Monthly Archives: May 2013

Does Taking a Break Mean Gaining Weight?

So I took a Memorial Day holiday and took a break from the every day stress. What I did was take a break from eating healthy foods. Eating freshly baked donuts for breakfast sounded like a treat but what it did was gut-busting. Yes, I gained weight.

I did try to maintain my walking routine. We took the dogs on several half hour-long (or more) walks by the water each day. But that wasn’t enough to keep off the weight. I should have been able to relax without indulging in the foods that keep me from losing weight but it didn’t happen. Instead of beating myself up because I ate the wrong things, I am getting back on track.

I need to reorder my CustomFit Meals to keep me on track. When I don’t have to think about what I’m eating, I do better. Leave it up to me and I will eat whatever is in my path, especially sweets. It’s back to finding the resolve I lost for a while.

Everyone needs a break now and then. I feel my battery has been recharged, my mind a bit clearer. Getting my eating habits back on track may be easier with prepared, healthy food. Getting my resolve back to working out is a bit harder. Walking is an easy method to exercise but not enough for  me to lose weight. It’s a mental challenge for me all the time.

With the summer months ahead, I want to get this weight off but it’s still the same old thing – I get in the way of myself. I need someone or something to get me past the slump I get into when things don’t move as quickly as I want. I am definitely in that slump. I need to kick-start my weight loss but I don’t have the magic ingredient.

Is there a magic ingredient? Let me know…


Time Off From Weight Loss

This is my birthday week – yes, week. Birthday’s only come once a year, why not make the most of it. I decided to make it worth my while and take a break from my weight loss routine. I figured that I had gone through my loss of motivation pit last time. Now I need to start anew.

In addition to being a celebratory week, I have had some other issues to deal with that helped me decide to take a break. That bulging vein that I had last week actually burst. Now I have this mass that looks like I bruised the entire back of my calf. Easy does it says the doc, so it’s off the treadmill.

Even though I’m not walking on the machine, I am making sure that I keep active. I do plenty of seated movements. It’s simple to do and really helps to keep the blood flowing. I do the foot circles, leg extensions, and flexing and straightening of my legs. It’s bad enough that I can’t walk but I’m not ready to let my muscles get too tight.

My husband is still working out regularly at CrossFit and eating his CustomFit Meals. He’s lost 12 lbs and 3 inches on his waist. Hard work and good food are paying off in a big way for him.

I’m going to re-evaluate things when my calf heals and I am back to walking. I need to make sure the doctor gives me the okay to do what needs to be done to get me further on the road to better health and weight loss. Nothing has changed, which is good. It’s way too easy for me to gain weight when not exercising. But sticking to the food and keep as active as I can, even without the treadmill, I can at least maintain things.

How long to healing? Only time will tell…

Weight Loss vs Motivation

Well, it’s happened again. I’ve lost my motivation. I feel better but still can’t lose any weight. I’m eating good food. I’m more active than I have been. But the lack of weight loss has sent me in the spiral of lost motivation. Am I the only one this happens to?

My husband has eaten the same food, exercising a couple of days a week, and he still treats himself to chips and soda but he has lost 12 pounds and several inches. I have lost nothing – nada, zip, zilch. It’s the same story as every time before. What do I do?

Should I see yet another doctor who can tell me it’s hormones or my age? Should I forget the weight loss and just be glad I’m feeling better? I haven’t met the doctor who can help me past this point. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing something. It’s just not enough for me to stay the same.

I worked out in the garden on Saturday, pulling weeds and clearing the front garden.  Good exercise I thought. The Sunday, I mowed the grass. Things seemed to be going well until I felt this pain in my leg. I felt as if I has been shot in the back of the knee. I stopped what I was doing and went inside to check it out. I had this huge bulging vein on the back of my leg, right under the knee-joint. Well, what else can go wrong?

I would gladly take advice from someone else who has been there. What do you do when you try but can’t lose weight? I want to be upbeat and say that I’m just grateful for not gaining weight and glad to be alive… But who am I kidding? I want the pounds to go down. That’s the point.

Who has the answers?