Monthly Archives: May 2014

Diagnosis – Celiac Disease

It’s official. The results of the endoscopy show that I have Celiac Disease. What does that mean? The Celiac Disease Foundation defines it as:

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. 2.5 million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications.

I already knew that I felt better when I eliminated wheat and other gluten containing foods from my diet. But to have a medical report state that there is visible evidence of damage to my intestine gave me resolve to revamp my entire diet.

I have researched for the “optimal” diet. One site will say one thing and another will contradict it entirely! How am I supposed to know what’s best. I fortunately have an office mate who is on the same search. She gave me her copy of The China Study to read. It is a dense book to read but provides such insight to the health/nutrition link, I could not stop reading it.

Like so many Americans, I have struggled with weight loss and health issues for years. Doctors prescribe pills and very little nutrition counseling. As many others, I am drawn the slick marketing of diets that claim will help you lose weight quickly. But I know that is a temporary fix. As I have gone through this process of trying to lose weight, I finally got it. When the light bulb went on in my head, it was almost anticlimactic. My nutritional needs are different from every one else. I began with the Paleo diet and moved to Atkins, all with the best intentions. What I didn’t realize was that I really hadn’t changed my way of eating. I still allowed myself to have processed foods. Once I eliminated those, I began to see weight loss come more easily. Then I realized that not all food is equal in value. That’s where The China Study helped shaped my views.

Although I am not eating a fully plant-based diet, I am limiting my animal protein. There are specific reasons that I have not made the leap and I will go into that later. The change has been dramatic.

17.5 pounds lost!
17.5 pounds lost!

I actually lost another pound when I weighed in today so it’s officially 18.5 pounds. To say the least, I am motivated to continue this path!

Older But Lighter

I woke up this morning wanting only one thing for my birthday – to have lost 15 pounds. Well, happy birthday to me. I made it. I’ve lost half of my targeted weight. It made getting a year older not so bad. I may be getting “older” but I’m getting better every day. My health is getting better. My weight loss is definitely better and steady. My attitude towards food is so  much better.

I’ve listened to the 2014 Diabetes Summit for the last nine days. So much valuable information! Even though I don’t have diabetes, I am insulin-resistant. I’ve learned so much about healthful eating and managing weight. It has reinforced my decision to eat low carb diet. I think starting on the Atkins diet was helpful to get the basic ideas for cutting out bad carbs and sugars. But now I see there is much more depth to regulating  body systems using food as a medicine.

Why take medications to reverse conditions that can be managed with proper diet? Diabetes is such an epidemic in this country and totally avoidable. Knowing that I have consciously decided to move away from the standard American diet and towards a lifetime of healthy eating is empowering. It is not easy when you’re start to lose weight to see other people eat those foods you once loved but it gets easier. I thought I never could stop eating sugary foods. I used to stop at Dunkin Donuts and get a vanilla chai latte and a sour cream donut (YUM) on my way to work. Yes, it tasted is really good but I didn’t like the afternoon crash that resulted. I no longer feel the need to sugar up to get through the day. Eating protein and healthy fats give me enough energy to get through the day without lagging. That is a dramatic difference.

Sugar is just one thing out of my diet for good. I’ll go through the other food items that I’ve eliminated and tell you why I made those decisions. If you get a chance, listen to what is left of the Diabetes Summit. There is so much good information – even one session could have a big impact on your thinking about healthy eating.