Purity Coffee

Coffee is the new superfood

We all want to be healthier—to stave off the threat of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. But you might be overlooking one of the best sources of preventative care that’s easy to access every single day. It costs much less than many medications and definitely tastes better. What could this superfood be?

Coffee of course!

For years scientists and doctors put coffee aside as something that led to all kinds of different health problems. But the studies they were using didn’t account for other lifestyle choices like smoking and alcohol consumption. Over 19,000 studies conducted over the last thirty years prove that coffee actually improves human health—by a lot! In fact, consuming 3 cups of coffee per day has remarkable health benefits.

Coffee reduces the risk of potentially deadly conditions. Researchers have found that congestive heart failure risk goes down 30%, breast cancer risk decreases by up to 50%, risk of Alzheimer’s decreases by an impressive 65%. And the list goes on!

How can this daily habit do so many wonderful things for human health?

It’s all about the antioxidants.

Antioxidants get their name from what they do in the human body. They literally feed off of compounds called free radicals to prevent them from breaking down delicate cell membranes inside and outside the body.

When cell membranes break down, they can cause premature aging of the skin and inflammation throughout the body. A little inflammation is okay when it comes to healing a cut. However, experts are seeing evidence that inflammation might be at the root of many of the illnesses that make life difficult for so many.

Coffee contains antioxidants called Chlorogenic Acids, or CGAs. They’re some of the healthiest antioxidants you can find. For a cup of coffee with 10g of roasted beans, there can be anywhere from 15 up to 325 mg of chlorogenic acids. Hands down, coffee has the most antioxidants of any food or beverage in the Western diet—way more than than kale, blueberries, and green tea.

Purity Coffee: Takes an existing superfood to a whole new level.

Purity Coffee

Purity Coffee, my new favorite morning beverage, maximizes the amount of healthy CGAs in coffee to the perfect level. This organic, specialty grade coffee tests clean of pesticides and contaminants like kidney-damaging Ochratoxin A. Then the magic happens—Purity’s scientifically designed roasting protocol hits the sweet spot where there are the most antioxidants and the fewest PAHs (harmful compounds that develop when coffee beans are scorched). The result is a delightful medium roast that is chock full of life-enriching antioxidants.

Additionally, a recent study found that coffee was linked to lower body fat in women.

Purity is the only coffee the I recommend to my clients. Not only does it taste amazing, but it gives you energy and a sense of well-being that stays with you all day. And if you have a sensitive stomach, like I do, you will like the being able to drink coffee again without getting a sour stomach plus none of that jittery feeling. This is why I want to give you the chance to taste the Purity difference.

Give it a try—you only have good health to gain!

Use my special code to get 10% off your first order: AATKINS

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