All posts by AA

Where Have I Been

Guess you may be wondering where I have been since the last post. I’m not out Christmas shopping or laying on the beach somewhere, although I’d really like that. I’ve worked my butt off trying to get ready for the launch of my  new site: Geez, I miss the days of one word URLs.

I’ve been hard at work, finishing up my signature program, writing articles, and developing recipes. I’ve been crazy busy. Not that it’s a bad thing but I have little time to keep up with this blog while I’m working on the other site.

I do hope you’ll join me over there when I launch my site. I’m hoping by January to have everything in place and ready for everyone to join in. It should be great. I’ve learned so much over the last year I can’t wait to share it with you! Bring your family, friends, coworkers, and anyone else interested in health and nutrition talk. I could do it all day!

Anyway, last time I posted my personal update was a while ago. So now I have settled at my current weight of 140 lbs. Feeling pretty good about it. No longer having pains in my legs from supporting all that weight and able to walk stairs without huffing and puffing.  It’s been interesting to see how the body works amazingly well when you let it do what it’s supposed to do. Don’t get in its way! I rely on my body to tell me what I need and I am trying to stick with it through this holiday season.

I’ve already noticed that since the chocolate candies have come out I am not thinking clearly. Bu I managed to listen to my body (after failing miserably the first time) and only eat one. But it was Ghirardelli salted dark chocolate. I couldn’t resist. I’m better than before. I no longer crave them as I did when I was addicted to sugar. But now I just want that chocolate goodness taste. It’ so yummy! So from now until the end of the holidays, I’m going to allow myself one high quality dark chocolate piece a day. If I can stick with my limit, I will be fine. So far (except the first day) I have been able to handle it. That first day, I didn’t pay attention to what I was eating and had too much. I got a bit of a tummy ache. Quick reminder that my body was telling me I overdid it.  Message received.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday. And don’t beat yourself up if you slip and have a little to much of the goodies. Just remember you can always start again tomorrow. And in January, I will be letting you know when you can join me to get a fresh start on your health.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone!

Digestion Sessions 3-for-1 Sale!

Check out the free offer below the blog post!

Although the Digestion Sessions are wrapping up, there is an encore day tomorrow. The four most popular sessions — 3 interviews and 1 cooking class will be airing tomorrow, November 23. These sessions have provided tremendous amounts of valuable information on our gut health. Even if you are just joining now, you can still benefit from the fabulous offer Sean Croxton has made.

When you order The Digestion Sessions Digital Access Pass — with lifetime streaming/downloadable access to all 25 videos, audio files, transcripts, and slideshows, plus cookbook and bonuses — you’ll also get instant digital access to the ENTIRE Real Food Summit and Paleo Summit packages.

What’s in your FREE Paleo Summit Digital Pass, you’re wondering.

Well,  just 23 slideshow video presentations, complete mp3 audio set, and over 300 pages of transcripts, plus bonuses!

Your speakers include:

* Dr. Allison Siebecker: Paleo Digestive Troubleshooting

* Chris Kresser: An Update on Cholesterol

* Nora Gedgaudas: Safe Starches – To Eat, Or Not to Eat?

* Dr. Tom O’Bryan: The Musculoskeletal Connection to Autoimmunity Disease

* Diane Sanfilippo: Practical Paleo Implementation

* Mark Sisson: Ancestral Living Defined

* Dallas and Melissa Hartwig: Paleo for Vegetarians

* And 16 more!

And your FREE Real Food Summit Digital Pass includes videos, audio files, and transcripts for 27 more sessions, including:

* Sarah Pope: The Bountiful Benefits of Bone Broths

* Jenny McGruther: Reviving the Tradition of Fermentation

* Paul Chek: Eating Whole Foods for Body, Mind, and Soul

* Donielle Baker: Real Food for Fertility

* Pam Schoenfeld: How to Save Your Kids from Our Modern Food Culture

* Jordan Reasoner: Real Food Digestive Troubleshooting

* Pam Killeen: Solving Adrenal Burnout

* Plus, talks by Chris Kresser, Joel Salatin, Yuri Elkaim, Joel Salatin, and many more!

That’s FIFTY extra health-giving sessions (plus a ton of bonuses) when you order The Digestion Sessions Digital Access Pass.  50!

This offer ends Monday at 11:59 pm Pacific Time SHARP.  Don’t miss it!

WOW – Sean has given us free access to Hannah Crum’s mini cookbook!

Don’t Miss Alessio Fasano

I am listening to The Autoimmune Summit. As you know I’ve been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Alessio Fasano is the man who knows all about matters on gluten.  He offers so much information about gluten sensitivity and autoimmune disease I may listen to it again. Catch him now while the broadcast is free.

The Autoimmune Summit

In 1996, Dr. Fasano founded the Center for Celiac Research, now at Massachusetts General Hospital. Treating patients of all ages, the Center offers research, clinical expertise and teaching for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gluten-related disorders including celiac disease, wheat allergy, and gluten sensitivity.

Trained in Naples, Italy, as a pediatric gastroenterologist, Dr. Fasano was recruited to the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1993 and founded its Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Puzzled by the absence of children exhibiting symptoms of celiac disease in the clinic, he resolved to uncover the mystery of missing American “celiacs.” His perseverance in the face of skepticism about celiac disease in the U.S. eventually led to his publication of the groundbreaking study in 2003 that established the rate of the autoimmune disorder at one in 133 Americans.

In early 2013, Dr. Fasano was appointed division chief of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC). Dr. Fasano also heads the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center and is Associate Chief for Basic, Clinical and Translational Research for the Department of Pediatrics at MGHfC. He is visiting professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. He is the author of Gluten Freedom, a book published by Wiley Health on celiac disease, gluten-related disorders, and the gluten-free diet.

Don’t miss Dr. Fasano on the The Autoimmune Summit!

Digestive Sessions Video Trailer

I love a good movie trailer.

Sometimes the best part of going to the movies is the thrill of watching the previews and feeling that sense of anticipation and excitement for what’s “coming soon”.   But this weekend I was caught completely by surprise by a trailer I stumbled upon on Facebook.

It didn’t feature any A-list celebs. No huge explosions. No fairy tale love story. No knee-slapping, laugh-out-loud moments. No intense plot line that made me wonder whodunit. None of that.

This one featured … doctors.

But these weren’t your ordinary doctors. They weren’t saying things that typical doctors say. And there was something about the way they were saying it that really caught my attention.

What were they talking about? Digestive problems. Seriously, I think I learned more about digestion in 3 minutes than my doctor ever told me in the entire 15 minutes I have each appointment.

They talked about digestive problems causing things like autoimmunity, asthma, allergies, mood issues, cardiovascular disease, brain fog, and joint pain. Who knew?

They discussed hot topics like “gluten sensitivity” — whether it’s real or not.?

And you’re not going believe what one doc said about acid-blocking drugs!

The good news is that you won’t have to wait until “Next Summer” to watch the real thing. In fact, it’s not even a movie.

It’s a FREE online event called The Digestion Sessions hosted by Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness Radio, one of the best health interview shows you’ll ever listen to.

The big event kicks off next month and features 25 on-camera, one-on-one sessions with the world’s foremost experts on digestive health.

Experts like Drs. Tom, O’Bryan, Dan Kalish, Jillian Teta, Datis Kharazzian, Kelly Brogan, Alan Christianson, as well as Andrea Nakayama, Paul Chek, Christa Orecchio, and more.

In the United States alone, 60% of the population is dealing with at least one symptom of digestive dysfunction — gas, bloating, heartburn, candida, constipation, diarrhea, you name it.

Watch the amazing trailer he put together and save your seat for the event. You get INSTANT ACCESS to the Digestion Sessions Quick Fix video series, including:

* Dr. Teta’s 3 Best Tips for Beating Constipation with Dr. Jillian Teta

* 3 Critical Lab Tests Your Doctor (Probably) Isn’t Running with Christa Orecchio

* How to Save Your Gallbladder, And What to Do If It’s Been Removed! with Dr. Alan Christianson

Don’t miss this surprising video trailer . If you know anyone with digestive problems, please share it. They’ll thank you for it!

The Autoimmune Summit

Learn how to prevent and reverse autoimmune disease at the world’s first free online summit all about autoimmunity! Nearly 40 experts in the fields of Functional Medicine, nutrition, and autoimmune disease will explain how leaky gut, genetics, and environmental triggers such as toxins, food sensitivities, infections, and stress all play a part in the development of autoimmune disease.

  • Have you, a friend, or family member been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?
  • Do you have a family history of autoimmunity and want to learn how to prevent it?
  • Or are you a healthcare provider who wants to better treat your autoimmune patients?

If that sounds like you, or you just want to learn more about preventing, treating, and reversing these conditions, The Autoimmune Summit is for you! The information you will learn will put you on the road to better physical, mental, and spiritual health. Plus, it’s FREE and online from November 10-17, 2014.

Join Amy Myers MD, author of The Autoimmune Solution, and educate yourself about more natural ways to treat autoimmunity. Diagnosed with autoimmune hyperthyroidism during medical school, her mission is to help others avoid dangerous conventional treatment and prevent and reverse autoimmune disease naturally!

Register for FREE now

The Autoimmune Summit is online and FREE from November 10­-17, 2014!

Here are a few of the incredible presenters:

  • Mark Hyman, MD, A Functional Medicine Approach to Autoimmunity
  • David Brady, DC, ND, The Role of Infections in Autoimmunity
  • Alejandro Junger, MD, How to Detox in the Modern World
  • Jeffrey Smith, GMOs and Their Role in Leaky Gut, Inflammation, and Autoimmunity
  • Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, The Problem with Grains and Legumes in Those with Autoimmunity
  • Stuart Nunnally, DDS, A Biological Dentist’s View of Autoimmunity
  • Jeff Bland, PhD, Why Autoimmune Disease is Not “Being Allergic to Yourself”

With nearly 40 expert presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for you or someone important to your life!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS…

Watch the first talk of the summit:

  • Dan Pardi, Sleep is More Important Than You Think. Here’s Why.
    • How your body uses sleep as a time for healing and repair
    • The affect of light and dark on your hormones
    • How adequate sleep increases physical and mental performance
    • Tips to reset your sleep cycle for optimal health and well-being

And, download Dr. Myers’ favorite 12 gluten-free and dairy-free recipes! These nutritionist-designed and doctor-approved recipes are simple, delicious, and easy to make.

Come listen to The Autoimmune Summit from November 10-17, 2014!
Register for FREE today!

The Weight Loss Solution Summit

If you want to lose 5, 10, 15 pounds or more, read every word in this email.  Here’s why…

Everyone knows  most mainstream “diet” information is not only incorrect, but will actually make you fatter.

Like it or not, the government and media dictate to us what is healthy and what isn’t, yet their advice is often fraudulent, deceitful, and ultimately harmful to your health and fat loss goals.

And nobody is more of a victim of these fat loss saboteurs than women…

In fact, the media SPECIFICALLY targets women far more than men when it comes to fat loss – and offers diet advice that simply doesn’t work…

Promoting products like…

  • “Diet” yogurts stuffed full of toxic ingredients like aspartame, food coloring, and other preservatives… 
  • Diet sodas & fruit juices that contain NO nutritional value whatsoever…
  • And prepackaged “diet” food items that will not only INFLATE your belly like a balloon, but can lead to chronic conditions like Diabetes, Alzheimers, and worse…

Many of the so-called “health” foods you see advertised contain ingredients called excitotoxins that have a similar effect on your brain to MORPHINE on your body.

An effect that can cause rabid addiction to these foods.  Creating a drug-like dependency that makes it hard to stop eating them once you’ve started. 

And even worse… when you try to stop eating them, you go through a ‘detox’ process like drug withdrawal – making it almost impossible to quit.

And as for those commercials with attractive women touting these foods’ health “benefits”?

Unless you call type 2 diabetes a health benefit, STAY AWAY.

With all the misinformation out there, it’s no wonder obesity (and the other terrible health conditions that come with it) is such an epidemic right now…

And that women, more than ever, are facing unprecedented obstacles to their health that THWART their natural ability to burn off fat. 

Well, no longer…

I want to invite you to a special online event – for women only – that’s designed to push the weight loss conversation forward by 10 years.

It’s called “For Women Only: The Weight Loss Solution” and it’s a FREE online event that will help you finally – and permanently – lose weight and get the body that you desire. 

It’s hosted by my good friend Neely Quinn and the team at, and they’ve gathered over 35 of the top weight loss experts in the world to show you EXACTLY how to finally lose the weight you want – and get the body that you desire.

In this event, you’ll learn everything from…

  • What to eat (and which foods to avoid)
  • How to balance and take control of your hormones
  • How to heal digestion, thyroid, and autoimmune conditions that are sabotaging your weight loss naturally
  • How to “cheat” and still lose weight
  • How to exercise (and more importantly, how NOT to exercise)

And, of course, a LOT more that I can’t fit in this e-mail.

The event begins October 21st, and will be FREE to watch while the event is going on.

I’d highly recommend checking it out, as it could be the final step in achieving your weight loss goals. 

Register For The Weight Loss Solution Here 

And when you register for The Weight Loss Solution, you’ll also get a FREE bonus report that will show you 10 of the top reasons that you are NOT losing weight – and exactly what to do to fix them. These reasons are NOT what you’d expect, so I’d highly recommend reading the WHOLE report. 

Register For The Weight Loss Solution Here

Free Gifts Just For Registering

When you register for The Natural Cures Summit you get access to four free gifts.

Top 7 Miracle Herbs and Supplements, by Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo.comSayer Ji

  • The herb that heals everything but death
  • An evidence-based nutritional approach that works
  • Secrets the cancer industry is hiding that could be your cure


Secrets to Overcoming Gluten Sensitivity, by Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBNTom O'Bryan

  • Why gluten is NOT bad for you… bad gluten is bad for you
  • How to tell if you have food sensitivities and what to do about it
  • How to heal from food intolerance and immune reactions
  • The best diet to help overcome gluten-sensitivity

Top 10 Natural Cures for Diseases you THINK you have, by Suzy Cohen, RP

  • The most common drugs that deplete your body of vital nutrientsSuzy Cohen
  • The 13 most common nutritional deficiencies you probably have
  • How to naturally cure the thyroid, gut and brain
  • How to improve absorption of vitamin B12 and magnesium

Go Naked eCookbook, by Dr. Josh Axe & Cynthia Pasquella
The Go Naked Cookbook offers 100+ gluten-free recipes that support healing naturally.

Head on over and register for the Summit! See you there.

Have You Registered for The Natural Cures Summit?

Don’t miss The Natural Cures Summit event. Secret cures from 30 top professionals to naturally heal your body! Natural remedies and treatment protocols for specific conditions like hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Join The Natural Cures Movement led by Dr. Josh Axe, October 6-13. Free and online!