Monthly Archives: January 2014

Motivation and Energy

I’m not complaining but it can be tiring to be a caregiver. My husband is getting better but still can’t do everything for himself. My dog has bounced back with the energy of a pup. I wish I was so resilient. I lack energy and that has caused the motivation to decline.

I have managed to keep off the first five pounds. That alone is a major achievement when I can’t stay focused on diet and exercise. I have cut my calories back enough to keep from gaining weight but I need to get motivated again to keep up the exercise level. I manage to get in some floor exercises but the cardio is a lot harder to do. How can you spend energy you don’t have? This seems to be a never-ending circle.

I am practicing some techniques that are serving me well. If I eat out for lunch, I cut my portion in half from the start and only eat the half portion. I take the second half for another meal. That’s helping me cut calories each meal. I’ve also tried using a smaller plate when I eat. The portion control is working well. Now I need to rev up my metabolism and burn some calories.

I hope when the patients no longer need me as much I will be able to get enough energy to exercise more vigorously. I’m not letting myself slack on what I do. I still try to do what I can until I feel muscle fatigue. But there is a limit to what I can do until the exhaustion takes over and I feel like I need a nap. Well, I take a nap. I hope that doesn’t undo the benefits of the exercise!

The time will come and I will get back the motivation and energy to get this weight off. I promise that to myself.


When It Rains It Pours

Once I decided to get back on track, there’s always something that tries to derail me. This past week, my husband had surgery. Tomorrow, one of my dogs is having surgery. As a caregiver, my thoughts are primarily focused on the “patient’s” care. That’s a sure path to falling off the road to weight loss.

There’s the 24-hour medication routine that sends your body into a sleep deprived cycle. Then there’s the ice therapy, bathing, dressing, etc. Getting up every few hours throughout the night for weeks at a time is one way for your body to fail at losing weight. Not enough sleep and your body starts to hold calories to make it through the rough period. I’ve decided that nothing is going to keep  me from losing this weight so I am trying different tactics to combat the pitfalls.

I’ve tried to make decent meals each day so that we both get solid nutrition. But that’s only one piece. If I’m not getting enough sleep, that’s only going to keep me from feeling weak. Napping has become a good friend. When you are too tired to take care of someone else, you are certainly too tired to take care of yourself. So I succumb to the call for sleep when I need it. I keep my iPhone set with an alarm for the next time medication needs to be given so I don’t miss it but I am managing to rest.

I think combining resting and eating right, although the temptation is to eat whatever you want when you’re focus is on someone else, has helped me stay the course. I’ve lost another two and a half pounds. It all counts!

How it will be taking care of a dog who cannot lick their incision in addition to the other patient, only time will tell…