Motivation and Energy

I’m not complaining but it can be tiring to be a caregiver. My husband is getting better but still can’t do everything for himself. My dog has bounced back with the energy of a pup. I wish I was so resilient. I lack energy and that has caused the motivation to decline.

I have managed to keep off the first five pounds. That alone is a major achievement when I can’t stay focused on diet and exercise. I have cut my calories back enough to keep from gaining weight but I need to get motivated again to keep up the exercise level. I manage to get in some floor exercises but the cardio is a lot harder to do. How can you spend energy you don’t have? This seems to be a never-ending circle.

I am practicing some techniques that are serving me well. If I eat out for lunch, I cut my portion in half from the start and only eat the half portion. I take the second half for another meal. That’s helping me cut calories each meal. I’ve also tried using a smaller plate when I eat. The portion control is working well. Now I need to rev up my metabolism and burn some calories.

I hope when the patients no longer need me as much I will be able to get enough energy to exercise more vigorously. I’m not letting myself slack on what I do. I still try to do what I can until I feel muscle fatigue. But there is a limit to what I can do until the exhaustion takes over and I feel like I need a nap. Well, I take a nap. I hope that doesn’t undo the benefits of the exercise!

The time will come and I will get back the motivation and energy to get this weight off. I promise that to myself.


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