Daily Archives: March 2, 2014

Low Carb Leads the Way

I have kept quiet on my latest attempt at losing weight until I had evidence to report. I started on a the induction phase of the Atkins diet. It’s based on a low carb intake to help burn fat. I had tried this diet years ago with my oldest daughter. She had tremendous success. I didn’t weigh anything near what I weigh today. Now I have a more serious need to lose weight.

I started last week on the low carb diet. I have an old paperback copy of the Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. I began to reread it and recalled that first dieting experience was moderately successful. My husband and I spent all Sunday preparing  meals for the week. We cooked food based on the recipes from the Atkins diet plan. In order for me to stay the course, I need easily accessible food. With everything ready, I can grab what I want for a meal without having to cook.

It wasn’t an easy task, it took about 6 hours of the day to complete the meals but they have lasted the week and we may get two or three more days of meals from them.  So know you’re wondering, was it worth it? It was worth all the effort. I’ve eaten only the allowed food for the induction phase and have not felt hungry at all this week. Plus, I have lost a total of 6.5 pounds in one week. This is so different for me to be able to lose weight without struggling with severe calorie restrictions or exercising until I feel like I’m going to die. I have eaten food that tastes good, is good for me, and I feel better.

With a BMI over 30 and a goal of losing 30 pounds, I think my need for the Atkins diet is greater than ever before. I’m going to complete the induction phase for the full two weeks and then see if I need to move on to the phase or repeat the first. One more week will tell.