Monthly Archives: July 2014

Eating While Traveling

Recently, my husband and I were traveling internationally and had a wait to board the plane. We decided to eat lunch before the flight because there would be no in-flight food. The only options for food in the airport were American fast food chains. Trying to pick the best of the worst food, I chose Wendy’s. I figured a salad and water would be my best choice.

Before ordering I had no idea what the ingredients were in the food. Man, I was I surprised. My salad had apples and pecans in it. The ingredients on the pecan packet listed sugar as the second ingredient.  I asked for a plain balsamic vinaigrette and received a packet of fat-free raspberry vinaigrette.  Here are the labels:
Marzetti Fat Free Raspberry Vinaigrette
Fat Free Dressing
As you probably know, I am not a fan of fat-free products. But when you are in a foreign country, you can’t always get what you want. I might as well had dessert – 11 grams of sugar in this little packet of dressing. Needless to say, I only used about a tablespoon of it for a little added flavor.

There were two types of water on the menu board – plain and strawberry. I don’t know what I was thinking that a fruit-flavored water would be just flavored and not juice! wendys_strawwaterfront wendys_strawwaterAgain, sugar is the second ingredient then juice, juice, and more juice! I should have skipped this all together but I must admit, I drank the whole thing since I was thirsty.

So my salad wasn’t the worst choice I could have made but I certainly didn’t get what I’d hope to get. Sugary pecans, sweetened dressing, and sugar-flavored water made my meal less than healthy. I survived but lesson learned. I guess I could have asked ahead of time what would be available at the airport or gotten an Internet connection and looked up the nutrition information on the chain’s web site. But vacation means giving yourself a break. I didn’t gain weight and continued losing when I got home.

I’m now two and a half pounds away from my initial goal. I’m very excited. Plus, I’m in nutrition class to begin my new career. At least I know how to make good choices in bad situations.

Psychology of Eating Online Conference

The Psychology of Eating Online Conference begins tomorrow. I am looking forward to hearing what all the speakers have to say. I hope you take an opportunity to check it out.

This is tomorrow’s schedule:

Monday, July 21st

  • 11:30am (EST) Marc David – A New View of Eating Psychology
  • 12:00pm (EST) Dr. Mark Hyman  – A Doctor’s View of Food, Nutrition, and Health
  • 12:30pm (EST) Amy Pershing  – The Psychology of Binge Eating
  • 1:00pm (EST) Thomas Moore  – A Soulful Approach to Food
  • 1:30pm (EST) Jessica Ortner – Tapping Meets Eating Psychology
  • 2:00pm (EST) Dr. David Perlmutter  – New & Daring Insights into Brain Health
  • 2:30pm (EST) John Assaraf – Mastering Your Mindset
  • 3:00pm (EST) Isabelle Tierney – If You Don’t Dare to Love Your Body, Who Will?
  • 3:30pm (EST) John Robbins – A Heartfelt Understanding of Food, Planet & Soul
  • 4:00pm (EST) Dr. Sara Gottfried – A Deeper Look at Hormones & Sacred Chemistry
  • 4:30pm (EST) Jon Gabriel – The Psychobiology of Weight
  • 5:00pm (EST) Lindsey Averill – Fattitude: An Empowering Look at Fat

There’s still time to register for this event.  You will hear so many pearls of wisdom from the experts that you’ll be amazed it’s a free event! If you don’t have time to listen now, you can always purchase the entire series to keep.



26 Pounds Lost in 20 Weeks

That’s the official count – I’ve lost 26 pounds in the last 20 weeks. I feel  like I have discovered a hidden treasure. Eating has never been so easy for me than it is now. I have tried every conventional diet with the same results. Lose a few pounds and then gain it right back and more when you stop eating that way. That’s no way to live. Eating for a lifetime is the right way.

It has been such an amazing journey.  It has been such a life transforming event that I’ve enrolled in nutrition school to get my certification. I want to help others learn this process and make their lives better. I feel better than I have in a long time. I’ve started weaning myself off my medications. My blood pressure was down to 103/70. I don’t need medicine anymore if I can sustain that type of pressure.

I have contacted a close friend who is a chef. We’re going to partner to bring new, whole food recipes to people. This is going to be exciting for me. I can’t wait to set up a web site and begin doling out information to help folks like me.

I haven’t forgotten that I said I would post a picture. I’m still 5 pounds away from my goal. When I hit it, I will post those pictures. It’s hard to looks at them now, realizing how heavy and unhealthy I was. It’s taken years for me to get the right “prescription” for health and I did it on my own!

More than anything, this has been an empowering journey. Learning how to heal my gut, lose weight, and keep it off has been so satisfying that I never want to go back to the way things were before. This time I know I can keep the weight off and feel better every day.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming pictures – and soon, a new website.

Are you surviving or thriving in today’s toxic world?

Environmental toxins can be found in what you eat, drink, breathe, feel and think. You may not be aware of toxins, but if you want to be healthy, being educated on the latest in toxins is a must! Chronic conditions, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity, may be associated with environmental toxins in your body.

The pearls of wisdom from expert speakers at The Detox Summit are essential to your health. Join in online for free from August 4-11.

This Detox Summit will give you the information you need to:

  • Learn about environmental toxins in food, air and water
  • generated toxins, like thoughts, emotions and behaviors
  • Recognize toxins of all types and eliminate them
  • Focus on breakthrough solutions to gain more energy and vitality

Navigate your way through today’s toxic terrain when you register for the free, online Detox Summit today.

“Detox” is a multi-faceted term that means many things to people, from drug and alcohol detoxification to nutritional detoxification, or cleanses using food, smoothies and juices. Deanna Minich, PhD, has selected 30 experts in various areas of medicine, nutrition and personal growth to offer a well-rounded, credible approach to the issues of environmental toxins and holistic health.

Here are a few of the incredible presenters:

Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Father of Functional Medicine
The Science of Nutritional Detoxification

Mark Hyman, MD, Functional Medicine Expert
Toxins and Chronic Disease: Why Detox is a Necessity for Good Health

Jeffrey Smith, Leading Spokesperson on GMOs
Genetically Modified Foods as Toxins in Everyday Eating

David Wolfe, Superfoods Guru
Foods to Enhance Vitality and Detox

Rainbeau Mars, Fitness Model and Actress
A Full Spectrum, Superstar Approach to Everyday Detox

With 30 presenters sharing their wealth of knowledge, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for people everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today you’ll have access to the following FREE eBooks as soon as you register!

  • Food & Spirit Nourish Your Whole Self™ Report, by Deanna Minich, PhD
  • Detox Your Medicine Cabinet: 26 Herbs and Supplements that Treat Common Symptoms, by Aviva Romm, MD
  • Top 7 Therapeutic Foods, by Kelly Brogan, MD
  • Ten Tips for Helping Your Loved One with Autism, by Martha Herbert, MD, PhD
  • Benefits of Vitamin D, by Soram Khalsa, MD

Come listen to The Detox Summit ONLINE for FREE from August 4-11, and learn to survive your toxic world!

I’ll see you at the Summit!




Successfully Managing Food on Vacation

I did it! I managed to go on vacation at a all-inclusive foreign resort and gain only 1 pound in eight days. I proved to myself that I have changed my eating habits permanently. I ate all the great food that I wanted but avoided all the things that I knew would be my downfall.

All week, I didn’t have desserts because they were mostly cakes and since I don’t eat grains, they were easy to avoid. On Friday there were chocolate covered strawberries. I let myself enjoy the sweet taste of fresh strawberries and some high quality dark chocolate. I even found it easy to eat just a couple and not eat as many as possible, like I would have in the past.

There was so much good food to choose from that I didn’t feel that I was missing out. I skipped the pasta and crepe stations and headed to the roast beef carving station. I ate three lobster tails one night! There were great choices of vegetables and salads. I never went hungry. Plus, I was pleasantly surprised that the kitchen staff were aware of Celiac Disease and would guide me away from food that was made with flours.

I’ve been working on increasing my knowledge in nutrition and overall health. I’m listening to webinars and reading as much as I can get my hands on food as medicine. I’ve realized my personal journey has brought me to the decision that I want to be a nutrition coach. I’d like to help people find their optimal nutritional formula. Since everyone is unique, it will be a personal journey for every person. I’d like to help guide people so they don’t have to go through the painful process of self discovery and take years to finally get there.

I’ll be posting along the path to my new career. I hope you join me.