Monthly Archives: August 2014

Women’s Gluten-Free Health Summit

Here’s one series I am sure not going to miss – The Women’s Gluten-Free Health Summit starting, September 8-12, 2014. This FREE ONLINE event brings over 18 gluten-free health experts who will offer the most up-to-date information on thriving with gluten sensitivity. They will take  the complexity of gluten sensitivity and break it parts to give you clear information and easy steps to feel better.
Women's Gluten-Free Health Summit

Every day, new speakers’ topics will be available. You literally can attend all the events from the comfort of your own home or even on the go at the times that work for you.
Register for the summit now!

Special Edition: The Photos

Today, I finally made it to a total of 30 pounds lost! That’s 30 pounds in 25 weeks. Even thought it seemed longer! I said I would post the before or after pictures so here they are as promised.


Wow, looking at my picture from 2012 (on the left) makes me wonder how I got to that point. It’s insidious how weight can creep up on you and barely know it’s happening if you’re not paying attention. I’m thankful that I’m now paying close attention. I still see areas to improve upon but it’s a huge change. Understanding how to eat properly will make it so much easier to keep my weight in check. Plus I feel so much better. Now, I am ready to get back to exercising.

I understand that I need to change my thinking of exercise than before. Just walking on the treadmill will only do so much. I need to keep challenging my body to reshape it. Losing weight is only one piece of the picture. I need to maintain my health long-term. Eating whole foods, exercising, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, and being positive will bring this all together.

I’m looking forward to the future!

Top 10 Snacks for Ongoing Weight Loss

Eating the right foods can become a bit dull if you don’t spice it up with some indulgences. But that doesn’t mean eating sugar-laden foods or unhealthy snacks. Since I have eaten whole foods my taste buds have become readjusted. I no longer crave sweet, sugary desserts. I can enjoy just a taste of something less sweet or even savory to satisfy that snacking urge I get now and then.

Here’s a list of the top 10 foods best for snacking while trying to keep on track to lose weight.

  1. An ounce of raw nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, any nuts except peanuts or pistachios)
  2. Raw veggies with humus
  3. Half of an avocado
  4. Two hard-boiled eggs
  5. Two ounces of sliced or cubed cheeses
  6. Leftover proteins topped with a little mustard (chicken, turkey, beef)
  7. One piece fruit that is low on the glycemic index (berries are a good option)
  8. Pork rinds (for the crunchy chip lovers)
  9. Cashew and date rolls (recipe in a earlier post)
  10. And my favorite – two pieces of dark chocolate (70% or higher dark cocoa)

No matter what you decide to snack on keep in mind that a snack is not a regular meal. It’s an occasional treat. It’s all too easy to fall back into the comfort of eating extra food. If you’re not hungry, don’t eat. Drink a glass of water. If you get hungry right before bed, then one of these snacks is a good choice for you.

I eat two cashew date rolls about an hour before bedtime to make certain that my blood sugar doesn’t drop in the middle of the night. It took me a while to figure out why I was waking up around 2 am every night. By adding that little treat before bedtime, I sleep all night without interruption.

More tips to come in later posts…

7 Steps To A Better Me

I am two pounds away from my goal and I think I’ve hit a plateau. I’ve tried shaking up my diet by adding new foods, then trying to restrict things for a day or two, just to fool the metabolism. There’s no fooling Mother Nature, as they say. But the good news is that my body is actively working to reduce my size. I have lost another 7 inches overall. That keeps me focused. I may not see the scale move, but I can see that I need to go shopping!

My husband and I took measurements today. He has lost about 16  pounds without even trying to lose weight. He’s just eating what I am. He is now working on getting fit using weights. I think it’s time for me to do some more weight-bearing exercises. I can see that even if the weight is coming off, the flab can still remain. I want to tone and tighten. Not looking for a major buff appearance. HAHA – like that would happen.

Time now to complete the picture. I’ve been working on my inner self while trying to make he outer self appear smaller. Here’s the philosophy I’ve adopted:

Inner Self
If I can handle those seven things, I should be doing fine. I’ve taken control of my weight, the rest should be a piece of cake (must be gluten-free). I must be overworked today because I am extremely punny.

So much to do to prepare for my new career. I’ve got a web site being built, content being written, and I’m studying, studying, studying. I want to help as many people as I can to feel better about themselves like I do now. It’s an amazing transformation and it feels great!