Daily Archives: August 16, 2014

Special Edition: The Photos

Today, I finally made it to a total of 30 pounds lost! That’s 30 pounds in 25 weeks. Even thought it seemed longer! I said I would post the before or after pictures so here they are as promised.


Wow, looking at my picture from 2012 (on the left) makes me wonder how I got to that point. It’s insidious how weight can creep up on you and barely know it’s happening if you’re not paying attention. I’m thankful that I’m now paying close attention. I still see areas to improve upon but it’s a huge change. Understanding how to eat properly will make it so much easier to keep my weight in check. Plus I feel so much better. Now, I am ready to get back to exercising.

I understand that I need to change my thinking of exercise than before. Just walking on the treadmill will only do so much. I need to keep challenging my body to reshape it. Losing weight is only one piece of the picture. I need to maintain my health long-term. Eating whole foods, exercising, drinking plenty of water, sleeping well, and being positive will bring this all together.

I’m looking forward to the future!