Monthly Archives: May 2024

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 16 | Changes: Unveiling the Unexpected

After a week off to regroup, we were back at it with our latest podcast. where we reveal an update to the Sovereign Sisters. Listen in to find out what changes have come about and how it exemplifies what is the essence of Sovereign Sisters – sovereignty. Sovereignty is about making decisions that align with your inner truth and purpose, a theme we continuously explore and advocate.

Reflecting on Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, we discussed its significance and true meaning. Memorial Day is often misunderstood and commercialized as just another holiday for barbecues and gatherings. However, its true purpose is to honor and remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Often people often conflate Memorial Day with Veterans Day, missing the point of solemn remembrance.

We reflected on how wars are often politically motivated, yet the individuals who serve do so with noble intentions. It’s a day to honor those who didn’t make it home, recognizing their ultimate sacrifice. We must reclaim Memorial Day as a day of true remembrance and gratitude, not just celebration.

Holistic Living and Health Insights

Our conversation took a turn towards holistic health, a topic close to our hearts. Tami shared a story of a surgeon who embraced holistic practices despite her traditional medical training. This encounter underscores the importance of questioning and learning beyond conventional teachings.

We delved into the significance of listening to your body and trusting your instincts. Our personal accounts of firsthand experiences and how the body needs rest and detoxification for healing. This discussion led us to the broader theme of mindful eating and understanding food as sustenance rather than a constant indulgence.

The Role of Clean Food and Self-Sufficiency

We highlighted the importance of clean eating and self-sufficiency, sharing our experiences with gardening and hydroponics. Growing your own food ensures it’s free from harmful chemicals and gives a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature. Even in small spaces, anyone can start with hydroponics or container gardening to produce fresh, healthy food.

Empowering Your Sovereignty

Our conversation also touched on the importance of non-compliance with harmful mandates and trusting one’s instincts. Sovereignty means questioning the status quo, whether it’s about health, food, or societal norms.

We encourage our listeners to stay grounded, literally and figuratively. Spend time in nature, connect with the earth, and trust your inner voice. This is essential in a world that often promotes fear and division.

Engaging with Our Community

As we navigate these topics, we invite our listeners to engage with us. Share your thoughts, suggest topics, and let us know how we can better serve our community. We’re here to inform, support, and grow together. Whether it’s learning to make homemade ketchup or discussing the latest in holistic health, we’re committed to sharing knowledge and fostering a sense of community.

Final Thoughts

This Memorial Day we took a moment to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. Reflect on the true meaning of sovereignty—living in alignment with your purpose and values. And we thank you for joining us on this journey. We look forward to your comments and suggestions as we continue to explore the path of sovereign living.

JOIN US LIVE MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 15 | Unfiltered & Uncensored

Unveiling Unfiltered Truths

We had another thought-provoking edition of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast, where we challenge the norms and bring to light the unspoken truths that weigh on our minds. In this podcast, we delve into some of the most pressing topics that our latest episodes have explored, raising questions and urging everyone to think more critically about the world around us.

What’s Really Happening?

One of the themes we discussed was about disrupting the familiar patterns and narratives. We’re peeling back layers to expose what’s hidden beneath conventional stories told by mainstream media and accepted societal norms. The real question we’re addressing is: What’s really going on behind the scenes?

The HAARP Experiment and the Manufactured Aurora

One of the most startling topics we’ve covered involves the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), which reportedly conducted an experiment on May 10 that produced the fake aurora borealis. This event raises significant concerns about the extent and implications of human interference with nature. Could this be a test run for something more sinister? The idea that this could potentially lead to another engineered plandemic, with something toxic being dispersed into the air, is a notion that needs more attention and scrutiny.

The Growing Need for Awareness and Independent Research

Our discussions emphasize the importance of independent research and the necessity for more people to question these unusual and potentially harmful events. We’ve explored how “they” — be it governments, corporations, or other entities — might use such technologies and experiments to manipulate environments or even control populations.

Alarming Claims of Nightly “Microwaving”

In this episode, a compelling video is presented suggesting that people are being exposed to microwave pulsing during their sleep. This form of radiation, as claimed in the video, could be another method of silent attack on the populace, manipulating physical health and behavior subtly yet significantly. You need to tune in to see this shocking video!

Weather Manipulation and Global Impact

Another critical issue we’ve discussed is the alleged manipulation of weather patterns. Videos and reports suggest anomalies in Antarctica have triggered weather events across Africa and other parts of the world, showcasing a domino effect of ecological and atmospheric disturbances. These events aren’t just isolated incidents but could have long-term impacts on global climates and ecosystems.

Solutions for Restorative Sleep Amidst Chaos

For those feeling the physical and mental toll from these revelations and global events, we’ve also explore ways to shield oneself from harmful energies to achieve restorative sleep. Techniques and lifestyle adjustments that help maintain a healthy sleep cycle are more crucial than ever, as good sleep is foundational to both physical health and mental clarity.

Raising Global Consciousness for Healing

We firmly believe that true healing and positive change will come from our collective efforts to raise awareness and elevate the vibrations of our planet. It is through shared knowledge and unified consciousness that we can hope to counteract the manipulations and disruptions being imposed upon us.

Join the Movement

As always, we encourage you to stay informed, remain vigilant, and actively participate in uncovering the truth. Your voice matters, and together, we can navigate through the fog of misinformation to a clearer understanding of our reality. Tune in to the Sovereign Sisters Podcast for more unfiltered discussions, and let’s take this journey of enlightenment together.

JOIN US LIVE  MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 14 | Controlled Chaos: The Conspiracy of Weather Warfare

Unveiling the Mystery of Weather Manipulation

In this episode, we tackled the controversial and often misunderstood subject of weather manipulation. It’s a concept that sounds like science fiction but has very real implications. The discussion began by explaining the difference between chemtrails and contrails. Contrails are those streams of condensed water vapor created by the exhaust of aircraft engines, . Chemtrails, on the other hand, are a form of geoengineering — often seen crisscrossing the skies — mainly used to manipulate weather and even control populations.

The conversation took a deeper dive into the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), an initiative that started as studies of the ionosphere but moved quickly into developing capabilities of weather control and more. We shed light on how HAARP’s high-power radio frequency transmitters are used in scientific research and speculate on its potential to trigger natural disasters and influence weather patterns.

Exploring the Clouds

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that involves dispersing substances into the air that serve as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, aimed at altering the microphysical processes within the cloud. This has created weather events that has wreaked havoc on our ecosystem by creating frozen matter (unusually large hail, ice storms, artificial snow) and has caused damage in an unprecedented manner.

The broader scope of geoengineering was another piece of the weather manipulation puzzle discussed. Geoengineering refers to the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system, with the aim of combating or reversing “climate change.” Of course there is climate change, it is artificially being manipulated!

Conspiracy Facts

In this episode, we not only illuminated the complexities of weather manipulation but also encouraged listeners to critically evaluate the information presented to them, to become a more informed and empowered public.

The implications of manipulating weather patterns are vast and varied, from geopolitical power plays to ethical debates over humanity’s right to alter nature. It’s clear that as technology advances, the lines between science and conspiracy will continue to blur, making discussions like these all the more crucial. These aren’t conspiracy theories – their scientific facts, with the information available for all who choose to see.

As you listen to the full podcast, we hope you gain a deeper understanding of this important topic. Are these merely “conspiracy theories” or is there more to the skies than meets the eye?

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET. Join us live on Rumble and YouTube.

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 13 | Toxic Temptations: Exposing the Dangers of Fake Foods

Unveiling the Hidden Dangers in Baby Formula and Synthetic Breast Milk

The episode begins with a shocking overview of a topic that hits close to home for many—baby formula. The alarming presence of harmful ingredients often found in commercial baby formulas is exposed. These products, which are a necessity for many parents, can contain everything from high oleic sunflower oil to a variety of additives that are hard to pronounce and even harder to justify feeding to a newborn.

The discussion takes an even more intriguing turn when the hosts explore the emerging market of synthetic breast milk. Companies are now investing in biotechnology to create lab-grown breast milk that mimics human milk as closely as possible. The harvesting of mammary cells that get processed through a bioreactor is the farthest thing away from mother’s milk. The question of the long-term implications of feeding infants milk from a lab opens the concern for the effects of these synthetic options on the baby’s development.

The Dirty Secrets of the Food Industry

The episode is not just an eye-opener but a call to arms, urging listeners to take a stand for their health and fight against the manipulation by the food industry. It’s packed with insightful information, empowering messages, and practical tips for making healthier food choices.

These processed fake foods are nutritionally void despite being calorie dense. They offer no actual nutrition, leaving the body starved of the essential nutrients it needs to function properly.

A Call to Action

This segment is particularly effective as it not only informs but also empowers listeners. The Sovereign Sisters provide practical advice on how to scrutinize product labels and advocate for all consumers to read nutrition labels and understand what is in these products. Through this powerful discussion, the podcast not only sheds light on a critical issue but also aligns with its broader mission to challenge the status quo and advocate for the health and well-being of all, starting from the very youngest in society.

There is so much more jam-packed in this episode about food-like substances and the future of food, including replicator food. So, if you’re ready to challenge the status quo and make informed decisions about what you eat, Check out Sovereign Sisters Podcast Episode 13, Toxic Temptations: Exposing the Dangers of Fake Foods.

LIVE MONDAYS at 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble and YouTube

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