Monthly Archives: June 2024

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 20 | Herbs & Natural Remedies

Discovering Sovereign Living with Herbal Remedies

Herbs and natural remedies are practical tools for better body awareness, autonomy, and sovereign living that elevate your professional and personal status so you can free your achievements from your health limitations.

Our guest speaker on this episode, Kristy Garnet, a Holistic Living Coach and Clinical Herbalist, is a passionate advocate for the natural environment and personal well-being. With a lifelong dedication to planetary health, Kristy faced a transformative health issue in her mid-twenties that redirected her focus toward holistic healing. Kristy’s mission is to empower high achievers to thrive using conscious awareness and herbal remedies, blending holistic and scientific approaches to achieve optimal health while enjoying life’s luxuries.

Journey to Herbalism

Kristy shared her inspiring journey, beginning as a type-A perfectionist and experiencing mini-strokes during her graduate studies. This led her to explore natural healing modalities, specifically herbs, and ultimately, she created a practice focused on empowering high achievers through conscious awareness and customized herbal remedies.

Understanding Sovereignty

We delved into the concept of sovereignty, emphasizing the importance of identifying and aligning with internal and external expectations. Kristy highlighted the significance of living authentically and congruently, allowing individuals to embrace their true selves without conflicting with others’ sovereignty.

Starting the Path to Holistic Living

Kristy advised listeners to recognize that the body is designed to heal itself and to start small by incorporating natural elements like fruits, vegetables, and herbal teas. She encouraged curiosity and research, recommending resources like the American Herbalist Association and finding trustworthy practitioners for guidance.

Kristy shared her top herb recommendations, emphasizing that choices should align with individual needs. Listen to the podcast to find out those five most versatile herbs to have on hand for healing.

Embracing Natural Remedies and Autonomy

Kristy stressed the importance of questioning and understanding one’s body needs rather than blindly following trends or external advice. She highlighted the shift towards integrating holistic practices into daily life and the need for individualized approaches to health and wellness.

Kristy concluded by encouraging everyone to honor their bodies and incorporate luxury into their lives, viewing it as a birthright. She invited listeners to reach out for personalized guidance in achieving optimal health and well-being.

For more insights and to connect with Kristy, visit her at and explore the holistic living resources she offers.

LIVE MONDAYS at 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble and YouTube

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 19 | Jury Duty: Before the Gavel Drops

Navigating the Complexities of Jury Duty: Insights and Reflections

We dive into the often-overlooked world of jury duty in this episode. While many view it as a civic duty, our experiences reveal a system fraught with inefficiencies and frustrations. From the initial paperwork to the final deliberation, jury duty can be a convoluted and stressful process.

The Jury Duty Process: Our Personal Accounts

Imagine receiving a jury duty notice in the mail. It asks for information the government already possesses, leading to a repetitive and seemingly unnecessary process. You’re assigned a group number and must call in the evening before to see if you’re needed. This alone can feel like a gamble, adding to the overall uncertainty.

We recently went through this process. Listen to the podcast to hear about the long, tedious process. From the initial phone call to the final deliberations. The entire process felt disorganized and overly time-consuming, leaving a feeling of frustration and wondering why the system was designed this way.

The Challenges of Jury Deliberation

There is a more in-depth experience shared from a few months prior regarding a criminal case. The courtroom dynamics were intense, with attorneys and judges scrutinizing potential jurors, adding pressure to an already stressful situation. Despite the initial camaraderie among jurors, the stress of deliberation took its toll, leading to tension and conflict. The whole process left a feeling of uneasiness and questioning the justice system’s integrity.

The Broader Implications

Our discussion extended beyond personal experiences to broader critiques of the legal system. The process of selecting jurors often seems arbitrary and biased, with attorneys aiming to sway the jury in their favor. This can lead to decisions based more on strategy than justice. Moreover, the complexity of legal language and the lack of proper understanding among jurors further complicate the process.

We also touched on the systemic issues within the government and legal institutions. The current system appears to be more about maintaining control and less about delivering true justice. This sentiment is echoed in various aspects of life, from food regulations to political proceedings.

A Call for Change

Reflecting on these experiences, we believe there is a need for a significant overhaul of the legal system. We envision a system that is simpler, more transparent, and truly serves the people. This could involve professional jurors who understand the law, ensuring fairer and more informed verdicts. Additionally, reducing the influence of biased attorneys and judges could help restore faith in the judicial process.

Building a Better Community

Beyond legal reforms, we advocate for a return to community-focused living. In an age where fear and division are prevalent, it’s crucial to reconnect with our neighbors and rebuild trust. By fostering local communities and supporting each other, we can create a more resilient and compassionate society.

Final Thoughts

We encourage you to reflect on your own experiences and the broader implications of our current systems. Whether you’ve served on a jury or simply navigated everyday legalities, your insights are valuable. Let’s work together to advocate for a fairer, more just system and a stronger, more united community.

Listen to the replay of Episode 19 of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast and provide your insight in the comments. Stay vigilant, stay united, and let’s strive for a better future together.

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 18 | Unfiltered & Uncensored Q&A

We had a dynamic and engaging live podcast, “Unfiltered & Uncensored Q&A,” where no topic was off-limits! This was a chance for our audience to ask us anything and everything, all while dealing with technical glitches that seem to coincide with our truth-telling mission.

Technical Glitches and Determination

We had our fair share of repeated technical issues on Rumble. Could these interruptions be attempts to censor our truth-telling? Despite these setbacks, we were determined to have a real-time conversation with our audience.

Personal Health Experiences

We discuss personal anecdotes about health, specifically our recent encounters with sensitivity to electronic environments. We recount stories of our recent trips to Costco where we each had experiences headaches and nausea, which may be attributed to electronic devices and of even possible “shedding”. This shows the importance of staying grounded and keeping your immune system working optimally.

Audience Questions and Concerns

In this podcast we feature audience questions, highlighting concerns about agriculture and water rights in Idaho, and the broader attack on small farms. It’s important to emphasize the need for communities to unite and stand up for their rights against government overreach.

Weather Manipulation and Natural Disasters

A significant portion of the discussion revolves around weather manipulation. We’ve been vocal about anomalies in weather patterns and the potential use of technologies like HAARP. There is always possibility of engineered hurricanes and earthquakes which we advise being prepared and aware of these manipulations.

AI Integration and Privacy Concerns

The conversation shifts to technology, specifically the integration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT into Apple devices. A question from the audience sparks a discussion on privacy and data protection, with concerns about AI potentially accessing and misusing personal data.

Societal Resilience and Sovereignty

The episode touches on the concept of societal resets and historical cycles of rise and fall, drawing parallels with current events. The discussion revolves around the importance of individual sovereignty, community action, and resisting governmental overreach, especially in the context of potential future lockdowns and mandates.

The Role of Schools and Parenting

In a candid discussion about education, criticism was attributed to the current state of the school system, labeling it as mere “babysitting” and calling for more parental involvement. There are alarming stories about what’s happening in schools and the violence in schools leading to closures.

Final Thoughts

The episode wraps up by encouraging our listeners to stay sovereign and proactive. We are  grateful to our audience for their participation and hopefully will have more of these insightful discussions in future episodes.

Subscribe to our Rumble channel, so you won’t miss any future episodes where we will continue to tackle controversial topics with unfiltered honesty and a commitment to empowering their audience. Click the image below to view the replay.

Reprinted with permission from

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 17 | Fowl Play: Winging it with the Bird Flu

Skepticism and Non-Compliance

Once again the Sovereign Sisters are willing to tackle another controversial topic — bird flu, which as we know is another orchestrated crisis. The main point we express in this podcast is our skepticism about the bird flu. It is another “planned” event. We continue to  emphasize the importance of not complying with fear-mongering tactics.

Article Highlight

Our discussion was inspired by Alexis Baden-Mayer’s article “Scamdemic Bird Flu,” which relates that the bird flu narrative is a smokescreen for a deeper agenda, a means to control the food supply and increasing dependency on industrial agriculture.

Factory Farms and Animal Cruelty

One of the major points we highlight is the cruelty in factory farming practices. And now that includes after the bogus discovery of “bird flu” (of even one bird) setting the housing of these chickens on fire. And they continue to inject animals with vaccines. No doubt that the true aim is to push vaccines into our food supply.

Impact on Food Prices and Quality

There is major concern that the bird flu scare will lead to higher food prices, reduced food quality, and a negative impact on small farmers, while factory farms might not suffer financial losses due to government incentives. This all leads to consumers being unable to purchase healthy, high quality foods.

Questionable Testing Methods

It is well known that the current use of PCR tests are highly inaccurate as they weren’t developed as a diagnostic tool. So, using it for the  bird flu is a replay of misuse during the COVID-19 plandemic. The inaccuracy of these tests drives public panic because in truth they can detect just about any particle often leading to false positives.

Importance of Local Farming

We underscore the importance of supporting local farms and knowing the sources of one’s food. The benefits of pasture-raised chickens and natural farming practices, including the use of herbal remedies and supplements to maintain animal health far exceed the current factory farming methods that keep animals in confined areas which result in poor quality for the animal’s life and lower quality of food.

Misinformation in Food Labels

Misleading marketing terms like “organic” and “free-range,” which often don’t reflect the actual conditions or processes behind food production. USDA Certified Organic products refer to the process not the product. We advocate for direct engagement with local farmers to ensure transparency and quality.

Economic and Health Implications

We believe that the manipulation of food prices and availability is intended to drive people towards cheaper, unhealthy, lab-grown foods. We contend that consuming natural, locally-sourced food is crucial for maintaining health and independence from the medical-industrial complex.

Call to Action

We leave you with a strong message to resist fear tactics and maintain personal sovereignty. Stay informed, question mainstream narratives, and prioritize natural and local food sources.

Listen to our latest podcast as we shed light on the potential ulterior motives behind the bird flu scare, and urge listeners to think critically, support local agriculture, and stay healthy through natural means. Our call to action is clear: do not comply with fear-driven narratives and take control of your food and health choices.

Reprinted with permission from