Daily Archives: June 7, 2024

Sovereign Sisters

Sovereign Sisters Podcast | Episode 17 | Fowl Play: Winging it with the Bird Flu

Skepticism and Non-Compliance

Once again the Sovereign Sisters are willing to tackle another controversial topic — bird flu, which as we know is another orchestrated crisis. The main point we express in this podcast is our skepticism about the bird flu. It is another “planned” event. We continue to  emphasize the importance of not complying with fear-mongering tactics.

Article Highlight

Our discussion was inspired by Alexis Baden-Mayer’s article “Scamdemic Bird Flu,” which relates that the bird flu narrative is a smokescreen for a deeper agenda, a means to control the food supply and increasing dependency on industrial agriculture.

Factory Farms and Animal Cruelty

One of the major points we highlight is the cruelty in factory farming practices. And now that includes after the bogus discovery of “bird flu” (of even one bird) setting the housing of these chickens on fire. And they continue to inject animals with vaccines. No doubt that the true aim is to push vaccines into our food supply.

Impact on Food Prices and Quality

There is major concern that the bird flu scare will lead to higher food prices, reduced food quality, and a negative impact on small farmers, while factory farms might not suffer financial losses due to government incentives. This all leads to consumers being unable to purchase healthy, high quality foods.

Questionable Testing Methods

It is well known that the current use of PCR tests are highly inaccurate as they weren’t developed as a diagnostic tool. So, using it for the  bird flu is a replay of misuse during the COVID-19 plandemic. The inaccuracy of these tests drives public panic because in truth they can detect just about any particle often leading to false positives.

Importance of Local Farming

We underscore the importance of supporting local farms and knowing the sources of one’s food. The benefits of pasture-raised chickens and natural farming practices, including the use of herbal remedies and supplements to maintain animal health far exceed the current factory farming methods that keep animals in confined areas which result in poor quality for the animal’s life and lower quality of food.

Misinformation in Food Labels

Misleading marketing terms like “organic” and “free-range,” which often don’t reflect the actual conditions or processes behind food production. USDA Certified Organic products refer to the process not the product. We advocate for direct engagement with local farmers to ensure transparency and quality.

Economic and Health Implications

We believe that the manipulation of food prices and availability is intended to drive people towards cheaper, unhealthy, lab-grown foods. We contend that consuming natural, locally-sourced food is crucial for maintaining health and independence from the medical-industrial complex.

Call to Action

We leave you with a strong message to resist fear tactics and maintain personal sovereignty. Stay informed, question mainstream narratives, and prioritize natural and local food sources.

Listen to our latest podcast as we shed light on the potential ulterior motives behind the bird flu scare, and urge listeners to think critically, support local agriculture, and stay healthy through natural means. Our call to action is clear: do not comply with fear-driven narratives and take control of your food and health choices.

Reprinted with permission from YourHealthUnbound.com