Daily Archives: September 25, 2013

Health Risks From Not Exercising

I spent my afternoon visiting yet another doctor, this time, a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine). Apparently, I have arthritis in my hips and spine and it’s now causing me pain. Doctor’s solution – exercise. So I may not be able to allow myself excuses anymore.

So I’ve let myself become worse off than I was before I started this journey. Not that it wouldn’t have happened anyway. It just could have been easier on me if I had followed my original goals. Now I’m going to be “forced” into doing what I have needed to do all along – exercise with intent. How’s that for a wake up call.

I thought blogging about losing weight would make me more likely to actually work on it. But I was fooling myself. I’ve let myself risk my health and wellness by making excuses. How dumb is that? Now my body is forcing me into a place where I can’t allow that health risk to rob me of a full life. I’m not willing to let my health slow me down to the point where I can’t walk or need help walking. That will just make me feel OLD! And old is the last thing I want to be – at least not now.

There are too many thing that I have left to do. I want to travel and see the world. How awful would it be that I let my body breakdown to the point where I can’t get around to see the places I want to see. That is a wake up call. Generally, people don’t realize what they have until they lose it. I have an opportunity to help make things better by following doctor’s instructions. Is this the kick in the butt I needed? I sure hope so. I hate failing at something I should be able to be successful on my own.

After the MRI, X-rays, and physical therapy I will be able to judge the extent of the damage not exercising has caused. I’m hoping for the best.