Daily Archives: April 29, 2014

Slow But Steady

It’s been slow but I continue on my low carb weight loss. I’ve lost 11 lbs. I’ve stuck with it even when I feel like I’m not getting anywhere. Fortunately, I do not get cravings or feel like I’m deprived. When I look at a bowl of chocolate (my biggest downfall) I think how I will look once I start eating it again. It’s better looking in the bowl.

There have been setbacks along the way. I’ve had problems with acid reflux. I’m having an endoscopy and a colonoscopy tomorrow. My gastroenterologist thinks there could be another reason for my symptoms. Rather than having GERD, I may have Celiac disease. He will take a stomach biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis. I have felt better since I removed wheat and much of the gluten from my diet. It may be that I have to avoid all gluten. Either way, it’s better to know than not.

I’ve tried as best I can to eat low carb and stick to the regimen. Try as I might it is to follow the program, it’s really difficult to get 12-15 grams of carbohydrates from vegetables! It may be the one reason I think I’m not losing as quickly as others. Eating a chef salad the size of a basketball for lunch and having several other vegetables during the day still doesn’t always get me to the goal of 12-15 grams.  But I keep trying.

No matter what the medical tests say, I will continue to work on this low carb diet until I get where I want to be. Twenty more pounds to go. If I make it there, I will post a before and after picture of myself. I don’t want the before picture on the web without the after! I’m not that secure yet.

If you’re my age and you haven’t had a colonoscopy, I urge you to do so. The toughest part is the preparation. But it might save your life!