Monthly Archives: January 2016

Metabolism Summit

Reboot your metabolism to lose weight and gain energy!

Is willpower the reason you can’t lose weight? When’s the last time you reset your metabolism? Maybe your lack of energy and weight loss challenges aren’t a diet issue, but a metabolism that needs a wake up call!

Learn from 30 experts at The Metabolism Summit when you register for free today!


Sara Vance created The Metabolism Summit to help those who are suffering with weight and chronic health issues. No diet will work until the underlying metabolic issues are resolved. And, many falsely blame themselves or a lack of willpower for not being able to lose or keep off the weight. But this has never been a failure of will, it’s due to a broken metabolism.

Optimizing your metabolism can help you:

  • Lose excess weight and increase energy
  • Reduce inflammation and cultivate digestion
  • Advance brain function and improve mood
  • Upgrade sleep and reduce stress
  • Boost immunity and prevent disease
  • Manage cravings and help hormones

Attend and listen to the following experts (and 25 others!):

  • Terry Wahls, MD, Food as Medicine to Overcome Chronic Symptoms
  • Tom O’Bryan, DC, Is Gluten Holding Your Metabolism Hostage?
  • Christa Orecchio, Common Gut Insults and How to Overcome Them
  • Ann Louise Gittleman, Belly Fat: Could It Be Parasites?
  • Liz Lipski, Could Our Microbiome Hold Our Metabolism Hostage?

Register today and you’ll gain access to the following free gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: Ann Louise Gittleman, Bile: Your Metabolism’s BFF
  • Expert Talk #2: Jeffrey Smith, Hidden Ways GMOs Can Devastate Your Health
  • Free Gift #3: Your Host, Sara Vance, Interviewed by Dr. Eric Zielinski, Fix The Metabolism: The Real Secret to Optimal Weight & Health
  • Free Gift #4: The Perfect Metabolism Plan, Chapter One: Break up with Sugar, by Sara Vance

The Metabolism Summit is online and free from February 1-8, 2016!

Register for FREE at the following link today

Smart Fat Webinar

What if, at some point in life, you bought a lie?
And then you ate that lie every day. What would happen?

We’ve seen our nation – and our homes – become overrun with heart disease, diabetes, brain diseases (like Alzheimer’s), obesity, cancer….  All while we’ve supposedly reduced the “wrong” kinds of fat.  Newsflash:  We’ve been chasing the wrong solution…

Masley Bowden QandA

In just a few days, my good friends, Dr. Steven Masley and Dr. Jonny Bowden will be hosting a POWERFUL webinar on SMART Fat to answer all of your questions.  Yes.  There are Smart Fats… and what you don’t know about them will change your life.

Click here to get the details and add to your calendar:

Need more info?  HERE’S WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW: FAT is the key to health, energy, a vibrant mind and healthy brain, and a healthy gorgeous body, a body that isn’t aging at the speed of light…  Yes.  Fat.  It’s time we busted all the myths about fat and started to understand SMART fat vs. TOXIC fat.


Fat Summit

The skinny on FAT

Forget everything you’ve heard about FAT…

For decades, medicine and pop culture have told us that eating less fat (and exercising more) is the secret to sustained weight loss, health, and longevity.

Yet Americans are sicker and fatter than ever!

Clearly, something isn’t adding up.

  1. Too much fat in whatever form can lead to disease.
  2. Too little fat in whatever form can lead to disease.
  3. The kind of fat and the balance of various fats are the critical features that determine how fat contributes to disease.

My good friend, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman is on a mission to separate the FAT from Fiction during his upcoming event, The Fat Summit.

Find out more right here.

In The Fat Summit, Dr. Hyman will interview 30+ of the world’s top experts, as they reveal the truth about fat – and what it really takes to lose weight, feel great, and reverse chronic disease.

Here’s a look at what you’ll discover:

  • Why eating more fat (and less sugar) actually leads to weight loss
  • Whether or not children should eat a high-fat diet
  • How carbohydrates impact hunger
  • The research on red meat (does “grass-fed” really make a difference?)
  • How wellness impacts the financial health of our nation
  • The connection between toxins and weight gain
  • How to enjoy healthy meat (with minimal environmental impact)
  • The best sources of plant-based fat
  • The role of fat in aging
  • And much more…

This event airs for free online January 25-February 1. But you have to RSVP to save your spot.

Go here to learn more and to sign up.

Forget about New Year’s Resolutions… If you’re ready to lose those extra pounds for good, have more energy immediately, and prevent conditions ranging from heart disease and cancer to diabetes and dementia, you won’t want to miss this free event.

Don’t miss this Functional Family Health training…

Is anyone in your family facing health problems? Or maybe you want to have enough energy left after a long work day, play with your children at the park, handle whatever illness you or your children might present with, engage, create, and feel excited about your life!

My friend Carla Atherton, founder of the Lotus Health Project and the Children and Teen Health Summit is holding a special training tomorrow- Sunday, January 10th at 6:00pm PST, 8:00 CST/9:00 EST

Carla is going to walk you through how you can begin to EMBODY and IMPLEMENT a whole health, whole body and whole mind approach for your whole family to live your life joyfully and energetically.

“Health (R)evolution – Functional Family Health for Life”

Register here right now 

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn on this special online training:

Why the current health care system (sick care) is broken and what to do instead.

  • Why the view of health has become fragmented and how we can begin to look at health care holistically.
  • Why it’s time to take back control of your own care by making decisions yourself about you and your family’s health care.
  • Why it is critical to take the time to educate yourself on preventative and maintenance of your own health.
  • How you can get your whole family on board and get the kids excited about good health.

Plus tons more…

Here is the link to get registered now

stress reduction

Here’s your wakeup call…

Did you know that stress is your body’s early warning system?

My friend, Carla Atherton a living, breathing example of what can happen when you place extreme stress on yourself. She was that modern woman who could make a meal for 10 with a stitched-up finger while flooring the living room.

When you ignore the signs and symptoms of stress, it will take its toll.

 Carla has a free video series that lets you take charge of your life again.

>>> See how to take your control back here in Video 1

 And it’s absolutely critical you learn how to reduce the stress in your life before it takes a huge toll on your life.

Because you can’t change the world until you put on your oxygen mask first and help yourself. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired…

Then take IMMEDIATE action to modify what you are doing in your life now.

So if you haven’t already done so, go ahead and watch this video, Stress, Rest and Restoration and get over the holidays with ease. 

If you are overweight, not eating properly and sleep is erratic for you, this should be a huge wakeup call.

Sound familiar?

We are not super human.

But we are super amazing! A big thing that separates people who are desperately seeking answers to their health issues and those that are well-balanced, energetic and have clarity is their stress level.

It comes down to wanting to live life to the fullest!

If you haven’t gotten it yet – Download your Stress-Reduction Toolkit HERE





stress reduction

What Stress Does to the Body

There can be serious consequences to stresscrushing stress can be too much for the body to bear and it will start pushing back by delivering symptoms such as:

  • Skin breakouts & rashes
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Aches & pains
  • And even the biggest one of all… Cancer

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, literally, and you are ready to release yourself from the things that hold you back both physically and mentally and heal once and for all…

My friend Carla Atherton, founder of the Lotus Health Project, has just released a new video series and Stress Reduction Toolkit that allows you to take the first step in healing yourself:

>>> Get started by watching Stress, Rest and Restoration HERE.

Carla is a trained Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner and Transformational Nutrition Coach. As founder of the very popular Children and Teen Health Summit, she has access to the best health care practitioners on the planet and has helped hundreds of people live a healthier lifestyle.

Imagine how it’ll feel to FINALLY have abundant energy, less stress and a few less inches around your waistline… And be able to fully participate in life with your family and friends… to be vital, alive, empowered, and full of life and energy every day! (That’s what happens when honor your body!)

Not by following a broken “sickcare” system… but by listening to your own body and your own heart, knowing what is right for you and your family.

This is your health, your life, your well-being. It’s time to believe in yourself, that you have what it takes to regain your health, to learn all you need to know about how your body works.

Watch The Video Here          

And over the course of the next few days, Carla is going to show you what functional health is and why a holistic approach is absolutely essential. More importantly, how you can begin to EMBODY and IMPLEMENT the stress-reduction techniques, nutritional frameworks and the psychological mindsets that will allow you to live your life joyfully and energetically.

Carla also has a special gift along with the video to help you get over the stress of the holidays with ease.

Download your Stress-Reduction Toolkit HERE

You AND your family need this.

And I couldn’t be more excited to initiate you into a whole new way of achieving optimum health and clarity in your life.

Healthy Gut Summit

Your gut: where health starts and healing begins!

Gut dysfunction can be linked to virtually every disease and can cause conditions like fatigue, depression, food sensitivities, chronic pain, allergies and more. The Heal Your Gut Summit from January 18-25, will help you understand how these conditions are by and large preventable!


Your gut is the cornerstone of true health, which is why Dr. Josh Axe, Donna Gates and Dr. Eric Zielinski have gathered together more than 30 gut health experts from around the globe to share the evidence-based tools you need to regain control of your health!

Register for FREE now

The Heal Your Gut Summit will teach you about:

  • Healing the gut to boost immunity and fight cancer
  • Losing weight by improving digestive health
  • Solutions to recover from irritable bowel syndrome
  • Balancing hormones and increasing libido
  • Reversing allergies and autoimmunity with foods and herbal remedies

Attend and listen to the following experts (over 30 in all!):

  • Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS: 5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut
  • Leo Galland, MD: Why Allergies Could Be Signaling Bigger Problems
  • David Perlmutter, MD: Heal Your Gut by Going Grain Free
  • Ty Bollinger: Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection

Register today and you’ll get the following free gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: 5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut, Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS
  • Expert Talk #2: Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection, Ty Bollinger
  • Expert Talk #3: Getting to The Root Cause of Thyroid Disease, Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
  • Expert Talk #4: Secrets to Overcome Candida & Yeast, Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP

The Heal Your Gut Summit is online and free from January 18-25, 2016!

Register for FREE