Tag Archives: metabolism

Metabolism Summit

Reboot your metabolism to lose weight and gain energy!

Is willpower the reason you can’t lose weight? When’s the last time you reset your metabolism? Maybe your lack of energy and weight loss challenges aren’t a diet issue, but a metabolism that needs a wake up call!

Learn from 30 experts at The Metabolism Summit when you register for free today!


Sara Vance created The Metabolism Summit to help those who are suffering with weight and chronic health issues. No diet will work until the underlying metabolic issues are resolved. And, many falsely blame themselves or a lack of willpower for not being able to lose or keep off the weight. But this has never been a failure of will, it’s due to a broken metabolism.

Optimizing your metabolism can help you:

  • Lose excess weight and increase energy
  • Reduce inflammation and cultivate digestion
  • Advance brain function and improve mood
  • Upgrade sleep and reduce stress
  • Boost immunity and prevent disease
  • Manage cravings and help hormones

Attend and listen to the following experts (and 25 others!):

  • Terry Wahls, MD, Food as Medicine to Overcome Chronic Symptoms
  • Tom O’Bryan, DC, Is Gluten Holding Your Metabolism Hostage?
  • Christa Orecchio, Common Gut Insults and How to Overcome Them
  • Ann Louise Gittleman, Belly Fat: Could It Be Parasites?
  • Liz Lipski, Could Our Microbiome Hold Our Metabolism Hostage?

Register today and you’ll gain access to the following free gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: Ann Louise Gittleman, Bile: Your Metabolism’s BFF
  • Expert Talk #2: Jeffrey Smith, Hidden Ways GMOs Can Devastate Your Health
  • Free Gift #3: Your Host, Sara Vance, Interviewed by Dr. Eric Zielinski, Fix The Metabolism: The Real Secret to Optimal Weight & Health
  • Free Gift #4: The Perfect Metabolism Plan, Chapter One: Break up with Sugar, by Sara Vance

The Metabolism Summit is online and free from February 1-8, 2016!

Register for FREE at the following link today

Setback or Setup?

A few weeks ago, I went to see the doctor about pains I had been having in my legs. As fate would have it, I have varicose veins and require endovenous ablation. It’s a laser treatment that closes the veins. I’m thinking – that does it, I’m off the treadmill.

Well, I go and have my treatments (both legs) and what is the absolutely critical thing I have to do after the procedure? I have to walk for a least 20 minutes. So being the good patient, I go home and do a mild treadmill session to get the blood flowing. I’m thinking I’ve had a setback because of the pain in my legs from the varicose veins. But I think I’ve been setup. Just when my motivation was at a new low, I have a reason that I need to keep moving.

While I feel that I need the constant kick in the butt to keep me moving, I feel that if I don’t keep going I’m going to continue to have these problems. I sit here writing this while my husband is off at the gym. He will come home worn out but he feels stronger. We continue to eat the CustomFit Meals. I’m learning more about nutrition and the spices used in their meals are meant to rev up your metabolism.

I’ve become a Dr. Oz groupie too. There are some shows that really have interesting topics but since I work during the day, I rarely get to see the show. But since I had the procedure today, I saw his show on body types and metabolism. It’s worth checking it out. I may need to start DVR’ing the show. The one thing I like the most is the feeling of hope no matter where you are in your life.

Here’s to hope!