Tag Archives: stress

stress reduction

Here’s your wakeup call…

Did you know that stress is your body’s early warning system?

My friend, Carla Atherton a living, breathing example of what can happen when you place extreme stress on yourself. She was that modern woman who could make a meal for 10 with a stitched-up finger while flooring the living room.

When you ignore the signs and symptoms of stress, it will take its toll.

 Carla has a free video series that lets you take charge of your life again.

>>> See how to take your control back here in Video 1

 And it’s absolutely critical you learn how to reduce the stress in your life before it takes a huge toll on your life.

Because you can’t change the world until you put on your oxygen mask first and help yourself. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired…

Then take IMMEDIATE action to modify what you are doing in your life now.

So if you haven’t already done so, go ahead and watch this video, Stress, Rest and Restoration and get over the holidays with ease. 

If you are overweight, not eating properly and sleep is erratic for you, this should be a huge wakeup call.

Sound familiar?

We are not super human.

But we are super amazing! A big thing that separates people who are desperately seeking answers to their health issues and those that are well-balanced, energetic and have clarity is their stress level.

It comes down to wanting to live life to the fullest!

If you haven’t gotten it yet – Download your Stress-Reduction Toolkit HERE





stress reduction

What Stress Does to the Body

There can be serious consequences to stresscrushing stress can be too much for the body to bear and it will start pushing back by delivering symptoms such as:

  • Skin breakouts & rashes
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Aches & pains
  • And even the biggest one of all… Cancer

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, literally, and you are ready to release yourself from the things that hold you back both physically and mentally and heal once and for all…

My friend Carla Atherton, founder of the Lotus Health Project, has just released a new video series and Stress Reduction Toolkit that allows you to take the first step in healing yourself:

>>> Get started by watching Stress, Rest and Restoration HERE.

Carla is a trained Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner and Transformational Nutrition Coach. As founder of the very popular Children and Teen Health Summit, she has access to the best health care practitioners on the planet and has helped hundreds of people live a healthier lifestyle.

Imagine how it’ll feel to FINALLY have abundant energy, less stress and a few less inches around your waistline… And be able to fully participate in life with your family and friends… to be vital, alive, empowered, and full of life and energy every day! (That’s what happens when honor your body!)

Not by following a broken “sickcare” system… but by listening to your own body and your own heart, knowing what is right for you and your family.

This is your health, your life, your well-being. It’s time to believe in yourself, that you have what it takes to regain your health, to learn all you need to know about how your body works.

Watch The Video Here          

And over the course of the next few days, Carla is going to show you what functional health is and why a holistic approach is absolutely essential. More importantly, how you can begin to EMBODY and IMPLEMENT the stress-reduction techniques, nutritional frameworks and the psychological mindsets that will allow you to live your life joyfully and energetically.

Carla also has a special gift along with the video to help you get over the stress of the holidays with ease.

Download your Stress-Reduction Toolkit HERE

You AND your family need this.

And I couldn’t be more excited to initiate you into a whole new way of achieving optimum health and clarity in your life.

Stress Is My Enemy

After the long month of holidays followed by surgery for my husband and then my dog, it has been pretty stressful. On top of everything else, I had been searching for a new job. The job interviews and the anxiety of waiting to hear the response had pushed me to the edge of my stress limit. But I’m over the other side – I started my new job today.

I admit that I don’t handle stress very well. Once I stop keeping a food journal it was all down hill. I hit the bottom when I realized that I was making donuts. I don’t know how I thought being gluten-free donuts were somehow going to make it better. Vicious cycle now full circle.

I spent the day moving – emptying boxes, climbing up and down putting away items in a far too high overhead cabinet, and going between the old office and the new one. It’s a full ten minute walk each way which I made at least three times roundtrip. Now I need to keep that momentum up every day. I’ve enlisted a friend to walk with me. Now we need to keep each other on track.

I’m looking forward to finally having a job that provides me with intellectual stimulation without the undue stress that I’ve put up with for the last ten years. Having to work at a job that creates an unhealthy atmosphere and doing the least challenging tasks was a nightmare for me. Having a new boss that encourages his staff to continue to grow and get better and not just be a follower is a breath of fresh air. There are far too many bosses who are hung up on power and control. Doing things their way is more important than doing it the right way or even a better way.

It’s a new beginning for me. Less stress, more exercise, and healthy eating are my goals.


Stress and Weight Loss

We all have stress. I feel stressed every day. But now I fear stress is the root of my inability to lose weight. There have been many things that have triggered the stress that I feel and I still have a lot of work to do to sort things out. But the only thing that keeps me from gaining weight is exercise.

The CustomFit Meals help keep my cravings from taking over my life. Eating well can help cut down on the overindulgence. My husband is still losing weight and getting fit. All I can do is be supportive and hope that I can adjust my mental outlook to start my weight loss.

Stress can overwhelm everyday life, if we let it. I have let it overwhelm me for over a year now. Too many things have happened that are stressors to me and I have gotten to the point that I can’t manage them. I’ve let the work stress run over into the home  stress run into the family life stress until I feel overrun by a stress monster.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress and unfortunately, my way is to have a good cry. If I could focus that energy into exercise or something more positive I could make some headway. I’ve decided that I just don’t have the skill set to manage this stress so I am seeing a counselor. I know my limits and I have reached it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. For me, it’s a sign of clear thinking that I am looking for help in a situation that I cannot resolve myself.

I am making reducing stress my number one priority. After I feel I can manage stress realistically, if I can’t lose weight then the last resort is seeing a weight loss specialist.

Weight loss specialist – now that means research…