Tag Archives: children’s and teen health summit

Childrens Health

Join the Children’s Health (R)evolution!

What could be more important than the health and wellbeing of our young people?
ADHD, Autism, mood disorders, autoimmunity are on the rapid rise in our young population. Our children are now affected by obesity, diabetes, depression, addictions to sugar, media, and technology, the list goes on.
What is happening to our kids? And what can we do about it?
We need a children’s and teen health revolution!

The answer is not more meds or quick fixes; it is about building health from the roots, nurturing and caring for our children, mind, body, and spirit, and giving them the tools they need to care for themselves and each other.
By sharing information and lending support to each other, we can most certainly do something about this!
Learn more at The Children’s & Teen Health Summit, online and FREE from September 14 – 20, 2015!

Register for free now: http://childrenshealthsummit.com

Carla Atherton created The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for parents, caregivers, and the children and teens they care for. This free, online event will address a diverse buffet of topics during a week of interviews with leading experts in many health fields including:

  • Healing from chronic illness and helping our kids to do this
  • Genetics and methylation
  • Girls, hormones, and the pill
  • Raising cavity-free kids
  • Healthy psychology around eating
  • Our healthcare systems
  • Raising sexually healthy children
  • Time management
  • The importance of breathing and its effects on childhood disease
  • Being a game-changing parent
  • Fertility
  • Childhood obesity
  • Vaccines
  • Gentle parenting
  • Epigenetics
  • Mental health and postpartum depression
  • Neurodevelopmental Movement
  • Testing the sensitive child
  • The detriments of soy
  • Hormonal health
  • Autoimmunity, the Autoimmune Protocol diet and children
  • Home remedies, homeopathy, and cell salts
  • Getting your child through addictions
  • Nutrition and elimination diets
  • And more!

Register for FREE now at the following link: http://childrenshealthsummit.com

Here are a few of the incredible presenters and their topics:

  • Sayer Ji: Our Right to Know, Our Right to Chose: A Frank Look at Vaccines
  • Marc David: Promoting a Healthy Psychology Around Eating In Our Children
  • Tom Malterre: Nutrition and Elimination
  • Bruce Lipton: Epigenetics – Empower Your Kids
  • Kelly Brogan: The Functional Model and Mental Health

With 25 expert presentations, the Children’s & Teen Health Summit is a wealth of knowledge you do not want to miss! This invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for parents, children, and teens everywhere!
Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS from the first bi-annual event that took place in March as soon as you register!

  • Pedram Shojai’s talk, “Vitality for Our Children!” which discusses how we can raise vital children in mind, body and spirit.
  • Reed Davis’ talk, “Uncovering the Root Causes of Childhood Disease,” which explores the most common childhood health complaints and what might be causing them.
  • “Join the Integrity Food Movement! For Your Health and the Health of Your Children!” a PDF by Joel Salatin, a passionate call to action and argument for why we absolutely need a revolutionary shift in how we view food.

Come listen to The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for FREE and be inspired from September 14 – 20, 2015!

Register for FREE at the following link today: http://childrenshealthsummit.com

Join the (R)evolution!

Childrens Health Summit

Saving Our Kids From Poor Diets and Fast Lives

Due to poor diets and fast lives, our kids are becoming ill at an alarming rate! If we share information and lend support to each other, we can do something about it. Learn more at The Children’s & Teen Health Summit, online and FREE from February 23 – March 2, 2015!

Register for free now: 
Carla Atherton created The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for parents, caregivers, and the children and teens they care for. This free, online event will address a diverse buffet of topics during a week of interviews with leading experts in many health fields.

  • Allow what comes naturally to your children: vitality, happiness and whole health
  • Be the best parent you can be and pass that well-being on to your children
  • Encourage lifelong learning
  • Explore the adolescent brain and talking to teens
  • Understand the effects of our youth becoming “wired”
  • Get to the root of the common health complaints of your children
  • Learn more about the (not so) basics of health: oral, food sensitivities, digestion, sugar addiction
  • Demystify mood, emotion and connectedness in mind, body and soul
  • Care for our children and teens more effectively
  • Empower yourself and your children!
  • And much more!

Register for FREE now!

Here are a few of the incredible presenters and their topics:

  • Pedram Shojai, “Vitality for our Children!”
  • Tom O’Bryan, “Is Gluten Destroying Our Children’s Brains and Bodies?”
  • Mira Calton, CN & Jayson Calton, “Rich Food Poor Food: Getting the Best for Our Families”
  • Joel Salatin, “The Family, the Farm, and Connecting with Our Children”
  • Leanne Ely, “Get In the Kitchen! Tips and Information to Make Meals More Nourishing in Every Way”
  • Liz Lipski, “The Unhealthy Gut: The Root of a Plethora of Illness”

With 27 expert presentations, the Children’s & Teen Health Summit is a wealth of knowledge you do not want to miss! This invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for parents, children, and teens everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

  • Pedram Shojai’s talk, “Vitality for Our Children!” which discusses how we can raise vital children in mind, body and spirit.
  • Reed Davis’ talk, “Uncovering the Root Causes of Childhood Disease,” which explores the most common childhood health complaints and what might be causing them.
  • “Join the Integrity Food Movement! For Your Health and the Health of Your Children!” a PDF by Joel Salatin, a passionate call to action and argument for why we absolutely need a revolutionary shift in how we view food.

Come listen to The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for FREE and be inspired from February 23 – March 2, 2015!

 Register for FREE today!

I’ll see you at the summit!