All posts by AA

Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Did You Miss It? (Last Chance)

Do you understand if your symptoms are from Lyme disease!

The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit has ended, and tens of thousands learned from the expert wisdom so important to understanding if you’ve been misdiagnosed or if your unexplained symptoms are from Lyme disease.

Were you there?

  • Do you have these unexplained symptoms: fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, brain fog, anxiety, poor sleep, mood struggles, cognitive impairment?
  • Could you have been misdiagnosed with: chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, autoimmune conditions, ALS, Alzheimer’s Disease?

If you’re just hearing about it, there’s still time to gain access to all 31 expert talks!

  1. Register immediately to see the rest of the free talks (including Encore Day!)
  1. Purchase all 31 expert talks

Once you own the expert talks, you can listen to the audios on your computer or mobile device, read the complete transcripts and share this important information with family and friends.

If you learn even one fact from one expert that changes your life, it will be worth it!


Owning the talks also gives you access to over $1,000 worth of eCourses, guides, eBooks and other advice from the expert speakers, at no additional charge!

Click here to learn more about owning this expert advice.

Don’t miss out on this LAST CHANCE!

All of the expert talks from The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit are unlocked and available to watch for free!

BSB Banner

It’s Happening Today

Are you ready to get FREE access to the latest mindset, health, wellness and holistic living trends for women? Terry Sobon invited me to speak at her exclusive Beautiful, Sexy, Badass Interview Series. It’s an event featuring fitness and health experts, wellness gurus, holistic living specialists, doctors and mindset experts. Because you’re on my mailing list, you can attend for free, but only if you register. Click here to register for free. This is your chance to get on top of the latest trends in health, wellness and mindset BEFORE you see them on the New York Times Bestseller list. When you join me and the 15+ other guest panelists you’ll discover:

  • Why “balance” isn’t just something reserved for the underachiever… but in fact… learning to find balance in your life is crucial to your success… (PLUS: You’ll get first hand techniques, tricks, and tips from these awesome panelists teaching how you how to strike that balance no matter your current place in life…)

  • How to achieve peak performance in your physical, mental, and spiritual life… and you’ll discover just how connected each of these facets are (and why you can’t ignore one in pursuit of the other)…
  • What goals of yours should matter… and which ones are jeopardizing your health…
  • And much, much more…

So, join me as we walk together through this journey of learning, discovery, and growth! I hope you’re as excited as I am!

Click here to register for FREE!

Beautiful Sexy Badass Summit

How To Stop Living In Survival Mode and Thrive Now

There’s something incredibly important I want to remind you of today…

No matter how impossible it seems right now as a woman with a super-busy home and work life and endless demands…you can achieve the thriving career, body and relationships you want while sustaining a nourishing life – it’s absolutely possible.

And you can start achieving the life you want, the career or business you love, and a joyful life filled with purpose you want sooner than you thought because today I’m inviting you to attend the Beautiful, Sexy, Badass Online Interview Series! It’s a completely free event where you can join me and other expert speakers as we discuss the topic:

Unlock Your Confidence, True Power and Ultimate Health Now.

Create Your Badass Life Coach Terry Sobon asked me to speak at this online interview series, and she sent me a link to invite whoever I want at no charge, so I’m inviting you! You can listen in without paying a penny as we talk about how you can thrive and really step into your true power and create the life that you want most.

Click here to sign up for this free event today!  When you register, you’ll gain access to interviews with experts who share their inspiring and give you new strategies, routines, mindset support and self-care techniques to help you achieve the life you want!

If you want to discover how it really is possible to have a career you love, fulfilling relationships, the health and wellness deserve…then you need to take action today because this free event won’t be around for long. So, take the first step towards getting the life you really want by registering today!

Women’s Wellness

Do you understand your hormones?

You can!

Understanding your hormones may sound like an impossible mission, but it’s really not. As we learn to incorporate healthier choices into our normal lifestyles, we feel better. And, as women, when we feel better, we can do anything! Join health coach and acupuncturist Bridgit Danner, LAc, FDNP, and the 30+ health and wellness experts she has gathered to teach you how to keep your body in sync with your life.


Bridgit Danner created Hormones: A Women’s Wellness Summit because, well, just being a woman is difficult–career demands, dating and relationships, taking care of our families–and our hormones don’t always cooperate!

Register for FREE now!

Click here to own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace.

Hormones: A Women’s Wellness Summit will teach you about:

  • Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
  • Acne and hormonal skin conditions
  • Low energy or lost sex drive
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Fertility, pregnancy and post-partum
  • Perimenopause (changes leading to menopause)
  • And more!

Attend and listen to the following experts:

  • Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
  • Kellyann Petrucci, ND
  • Magdalena Wszelaki, CNC
  • Pedram Shojai, OMD
  • Dan Kalish, DC

Register today and you’ll get the following gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: Cook Your Way to Healthy Hormones with Tressa Yellig, Traditional Foods Chef
  • Expert Talk #2: An Herbal Approach to Hormone Treatment with J.J. Pursell, ND
  • Expert Talk #3: Uncover the Hormone Disrupters in Your Cleaning and Beauty Products with Lara Adler, CHHC
  • Free Gift: Beneficial Foods for Women’s Health
  • Free Gift: Herbal Reference Guide for Women
  • Free Gift: Avoid This Hormone-Disrupting Ingredient!

The Hormones: A Women’s Wellness Summit is online and free from April 11-18, 2016!

Register for FREE!

Click here to own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace.

Angela Atkins

I’ll be Speaking at the Beautiful, Sexy, Badass Summit

If you’ve joined me along my journey from illness to health, along the path from overweight to sustainable healthy weight (losing 55 pounds along the way), you know how important this process has been to me. Now I have a chance to give back by telling my story and offering the keys to my health success.

I think you should know about this because you’ll likely see it later (and once you see it again, this isn’t going to be FREE). Let me explain… Terry Sobon invited me to her interview series Beautiful, Sexy, Badass. 15+ experts including doctors, fitness experts, health coaches, business experts, personal development mentors, mind/body gurus, hypnotherapists and best-selling authors are getting together to have an interview discussion that you can listen to for free.

Interview after interview you’ll learn: 

  • How to strike that delicate (but powerful) balance between your physical, mental, and spiritual health for a “total being” level of wellness…
  • Techniques from the leading experts where you’ll discover “tried-and-tested” methods for taking care of yourself… so you can take care of business!
  • Why these lifestyle experts want you to steer clear of stress (no matter what it takes)… and you’ll be given the actionable tools to finding that peace you need to find calm amidst the storm…
  • And much, much more…

I’m excited to share AND learn from these other experts over the course of this event. But here’s the best part: I’m excited to share this information for FREE!  And that’s why this is such an important opportunity. To get this information later from these experts, authors, and speakers, you’ll have to PAY to get their advice… Today, registration is FREE because you are on part of my community . Click here to join me and 15+ health and wellness experts beginning April 18th.

Angela Atkins

Get FREE access to the Beautiful, Sexy, Badass Interview Series before it’s too late!

See you there!

Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Find out if your unexplained symptoms are from Lyme disease!

It’s quite astonishing when you think about it, but more people are affected by Lyme disease each year than breast cancer, yet we rarely think about Lyme as the cause of our medical maladies. In fact, 300,000+ are infected with Lyme disease each year, and most are without a bull’s eye rash or tick bite to help with diagnosis!


Your host, Dr. Jay Davidson, nearly lost his wife to chronic Lyme disease, which prompted him to undergo years of research to help her heal. He’ll share that wisdom with you during The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit.

Register for FREE now

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

Do you have these unexplained symptoms?

  • Fatigue
  • Joint Pain
  • Muscle Pain
  • Brain Fog
  • Anxiety
  • Poor Sleep
  • Mood Struggles
  • Cognitive Impairment

Could you have been misdiagnosed with?

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • ALS
  • Alzheimer’s Disease

The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit is online and free from April 4-11, 2016!

Register for FREE today

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace


Forget Weight Loss Project

What you’ll learn at the Forget Weight Loss Forever Project!

The weight loss industry has been luring you into a cycle of eating less and exercising more that causes you to lose weight, regain it, beat yourself up and start all over again. It gives you false hope! Even worse, because of this failed approach, there are more people sick and overweight today than ever before.


Dr. Rudy Mueller created the Forget Weight Loss Forever Project to help you burn fat, lose weight, feel great and gain the energy to finally reach your full potential. The 33 experts speaking are renowned for their gimmick-free, scientifically-proven strategies–attend to find sustainable weight loss solutions that are right for you!

Register for FREE now!

Own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Forget Weight Loss Forever Project will teach you about:

  • Common mistakes that stop your body from burning unwanted fat
  • Tools and biohacks to supercharge your fat-burning ability
  • How to eat the right foods at the right times to drop weight quickly
  • A simple way to conquer your cravings and say bye-bye to yo-yo dieting
  • Strategies to balance hormones so you burn fat all day
  • How to make choices that sustain your path to long lasting success
  • And more!

Attend and listen to the following experts (and 28 others!):

  • Alan Christianson, NMD
  • Wendy Myers, FDN, CHHC
  • Peter Osborne, DC, DPSc, CCN
  • Dietitian Cassie, RD, LD
  • David Jockers, DC

Register today and you’ll get the following gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: The 4 myths to Weight Loss and the SANE Solution by Jonathan Bailor
  • Expert Talk #2: The Real Wild Diet by Abel James, The Fat Burning Man
  • Expert Talk #3: Reduce Heart Attack Risk and Your Weight Now! by Steven Sinatra, MD
  • Free Gift: Master Your Morning: The Real Solution for Fast Change and Real Results in Health, Wealth and Relationships eBook by Rudy Mueller, DC, IFMCP, FAARFM
  • VIP Invite to the Slimitless You Facebook Community

The Forget Weight Loss Project is online and free from March 28 – April 4, 2016!

I’ll be there. Join me!

Register for FREE today!

And you can own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

Performance Living Summit

You’re invited to discover for free the secrets of High Achievers

What happens when you invite 30 of the world’s leading experts on performance living to spill their secrets?


Well, you’ll shortly be able to find out.

Because as a member of my list I’m inviting you to a special online event designed to answer exactly this question.

Here’s what’s in store in the days ahead for those who decide to attend this exclusive event…

Get your FREE ticket to The Performance Living Summit now

My friend Dr. Dan Ritchie has convinced 30 high achievers in the areas of health, finance, and personal growth to sit down with him so that he can extract the ONE THING they say has been responsible for their immense success.

All for your benefit.

And all because Dan and his co-host, fitness expert Carolyn Hansen, had noticed something strange over the years.

In fact for decades they had mixed it up with some of the world’s most capable types as they climbed professionally in their own careers.

But they also came across people who simply could not make the journey with them.

People who faltered. Repeatedly.

Not for lack of trying either.

So this question slowly formed in the minds of our hosts for the upcoming summit…

What was it the high-achievers were doing that SO outdistanced them from the rest of the pack?

Why did they succeed – seemingly almost without effort – year after year, decade upon decade?

Well, eventually that question got the better of Dan and Carolyn and the result (where they sought to learn the answer to it) is The Performance Living Summit.

For 7 straight days you’ll get access to no less than 4 interview sessions with these bastions of utter domination.

No matter what their chosen field, these people can rightly be said to be crushing it.

And they believe you can use their secrets to do EXACTLY the same.

You’ll hear from experts in the elevation of brain function, the sharpening of the physical senses for all the benefits this entails, and even the attainment of happiness, abundance, and fulfillment.

You’ll hear how to conquer menopause, and not only survive, but thrive in your 40s, your 50s, and beyond.

Maybe your life feels out of balance right now…

Well, these talks are all about fixing exactly that problem, and then taking it to the next level…

Dan and Carolyn even have a speaker who reveals the exact strategies you can employ to achieve superhuman performance WITHOUT destroying your body.

Honestly – there’s something for everyone in this amazing collection of sessions.

But they’ll only be FREE for a very short time, so do take advantage of the opportunity to access them here, while you can.

I’ll certainly be attending this event.

And the great thing is that I don’t have to go anywhere to do it.

That’s because the summit is an online event.

You can watch every session (or just the ones that interest you) from the comfort of home.

So go claim your FREE ticket now and get access to the entire list of speakers and their upcoming talk schedule.

You can find it all here – click for access

Microbiome Medicine Summit

Don’t miss The Microbiome Medicine Summit!

The gut is the source of health and when it’s not well maintained, it can be the source of disease. Learn more about the gut microbiome and how it is a major source of health!

The trillions of organisms (known collectively as the microbiome) that live all over your body have a profound influence on your health. But what do you know about them? Understanding your microbiome is vitally important for people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and digestive system, autoimmune disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders and more.


Raphael Kellman, MD, created The Microbiome Medicine Summit to present ground-breaking information and a whole new perspective that could help you improve your emotional and physical wellbeing!

Register for FREE now

Go here to own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace

The Microbiome Medicine Summit will teach you about:

  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Impacting genetic expression
  • Improving metabolism
  • Controlling caloric absorption
  • Guiding your brain
  • And more!

Attend and listen to the following experts (and 28 others!):

  • Deepak Chopra, Author, Renowned Public Speaker
  • Mark Hyman, MD, NY Times Best-Selling Author
  • David Perlmutter, MD
  • Larry Dossey, MD, Reinventing Medicine
  • Aviva Romm, MD, Author of WomanWise

Register today and you’ll get the free following gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: Healing the Skin with Essential Oils by Dr. Eric Zielinski
  • Expert Talk #2: Macro Implications of the Microbiome by Sayer Ji

The Microbiome Medicine Summit is online and free from February 29 – March 7, 2016!

Register for FREE today!

Click here to own all of the expert talks to watch at your own pace.

Metabolism Summit

Reboot your metabolism to lose weight and gain energy!

Is willpower the reason you can’t lose weight? When’s the last time you reset your metabolism? Maybe your lack of energy and weight loss challenges aren’t a diet issue, but a metabolism that needs a wake up call!

Learn from 30 experts at The Metabolism Summit when you register for free today!


Sara Vance created The Metabolism Summit to help those who are suffering with weight and chronic health issues. No diet will work until the underlying metabolic issues are resolved. And, many falsely blame themselves or a lack of willpower for not being able to lose or keep off the weight. But this has never been a failure of will, it’s due to a broken metabolism.

Optimizing your metabolism can help you:

  • Lose excess weight and increase energy
  • Reduce inflammation and cultivate digestion
  • Advance brain function and improve mood
  • Upgrade sleep and reduce stress
  • Boost immunity and prevent disease
  • Manage cravings and help hormones

Attend and listen to the following experts (and 25 others!):

  • Terry Wahls, MD, Food as Medicine to Overcome Chronic Symptoms
  • Tom O’Bryan, DC, Is Gluten Holding Your Metabolism Hostage?
  • Christa Orecchio, Common Gut Insults and How to Overcome Them
  • Ann Louise Gittleman, Belly Fat: Could It Be Parasites?
  • Liz Lipski, Could Our Microbiome Hold Our Metabolism Hostage?

Register today and you’ll gain access to the following free gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: Ann Louise Gittleman, Bile: Your Metabolism’s BFF
  • Expert Talk #2: Jeffrey Smith, Hidden Ways GMOs Can Devastate Your Health
  • Free Gift #3: Your Host, Sara Vance, Interviewed by Dr. Eric Zielinski, Fix The Metabolism: The Real Secret to Optimal Weight & Health
  • Free Gift #4: The Perfect Metabolism Plan, Chapter One: Break up with Sugar, by Sara Vance

The Metabolism Summit is online and free from February 1-8, 2016!

Register for FREE at the following link today