Category Archives: Resources

stress reduction

What Stress Does to the Body

There can be serious consequences to stresscrushing stress can be too much for the body to bear and it will start pushing back by delivering symptoms such as:

  • Skin breakouts & rashes
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Aches & pains
  • And even the biggest one of all… Cancer

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, literally, and you are ready to release yourself from the things that hold you back both physically and mentally and heal once and for all…

My friend Carla Atherton, founder of the Lotus Health Project, has just released a new video series and Stress Reduction Toolkit that allows you to take the first step in healing yourself:

>>> Get started by watching Stress, Rest and Restoration HERE.

Carla is a trained Functional Diagnostic Nutrition practitioner and Transformational Nutrition Coach. As founder of the very popular Children and Teen Health Summit, she has access to the best health care practitioners on the planet and has helped hundreds of people live a healthier lifestyle.

Imagine how it’ll feel to FINALLY have abundant energy, less stress and a few less inches around your waistline… And be able to fully participate in life with your family and friends… to be vital, alive, empowered, and full of life and energy every day! (That’s what happens when honor your body!)

Not by following a broken “sickcare” system… but by listening to your own body and your own heart, knowing what is right for you and your family.

This is your health, your life, your well-being. It’s time to believe in yourself, that you have what it takes to regain your health, to learn all you need to know about how your body works.

Watch The Video Here          

And over the course of the next few days, Carla is going to show you what functional health is and why a holistic approach is absolutely essential. More importantly, how you can begin to EMBODY and IMPLEMENT the stress-reduction techniques, nutritional frameworks and the psychological mindsets that will allow you to live your life joyfully and energetically.

Carla also has a special gift along with the video to help you get over the stress of the holidays with ease.

Download your Stress-Reduction Toolkit HERE

You AND your family need this.

And I couldn’t be more excited to initiate you into a whole new way of achieving optimum health and clarity in your life.

Healthy Gut Summit

Your gut: where health starts and healing begins!

Gut dysfunction can be linked to virtually every disease and can cause conditions like fatigue, depression, food sensitivities, chronic pain, allergies and more. The Heal Your Gut Summit from January 18-25, will help you understand how these conditions are by and large preventable!


Your gut is the cornerstone of true health, which is why Dr. Josh Axe, Donna Gates and Dr. Eric Zielinski have gathered together more than 30 gut health experts from around the globe to share the evidence-based tools you need to regain control of your health!

Register for FREE now

The Heal Your Gut Summit will teach you about:

  • Healing the gut to boost immunity and fight cancer
  • Losing weight by improving digestive health
  • Solutions to recover from irritable bowel syndrome
  • Balancing hormones and increasing libido
  • Reversing allergies and autoimmunity with foods and herbal remedies

Attend and listen to the following experts (over 30 in all!):

  • Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS: 5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut
  • Leo Galland, MD: Why Allergies Could Be Signaling Bigger Problems
  • David Perlmutter, MD: Heal Your Gut by Going Grain Free
  • Ty Bollinger: Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection

Register today and you’ll get the following free gifts:

  • Expert Talk #1: 5 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut, Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS
  • Expert Talk #2: Boost Immunity with Gut-Immune-Cancer Connection, Ty Bollinger
  • Expert Talk #3: Getting to The Root Cause of Thyroid Disease, Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP
  • Expert Talk #4: Secrets to Overcome Candida & Yeast, Donna Gates, MEd, ABAAHP

The Heal Your Gut Summit is online and free from January 18-25, 2016!

Register for FREE


SIT! For the Healthy Happy Dog Summit!

The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train YOU to provide the happiest, healthiest life possible for your pup! With 30 world experts sharing their knowledge, they’ll teach you the best ways give your dogs the wonderful lives they deserve!


Our dutiful dogs depend on us for more than just food and shelter, and we depend on them for more than entertainment–they are our some of our truest friends (and beloved family members), and deserve to be treated as such! It’s our duty to make sure they’re doing well by asking the right questions and always looking to improve our lives with them. Woof!

Register for FREE now

The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train you about:

  • Canine care & grooming
  • Positive training & problem behaviors
  • Traveling safely
  • Proper nutrition & healthy exercise
  • Recognizing illnesses
  • And much more!

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak:

  • Dr. Ian Billinghurst, Raw Food 101
  • Sonya Fitzpatrick, Animal Communication
  • Dr. Jean Dodds, Are We Giving Our Dogs too Many Vaccines?
  • Victoria Stillwell, Puppies 101
  • Dr. Nicholas Dodman, How Dogs and People Communicate

With 25 additional speakers, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for dog owners everywhere! The Healthy Happy Dog Summit takes place from October 26 – November 2, 2015!

Register for FREE to view online or

Purchase all 30 expert interviews to watch at your own pace!
(Your purchase includes your donation!)


Includes a 30-day, no-questions-asked return policy, might as well become an expert about dog health and happiness!


The Truth Abou Cancer

The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest

The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest goes live in just a little while and I want to make absolutely sure you’re headed over there to watch this amazing documentary series.

You won’t want to miss a minute of it as over 100 doctors, scientists, researchers and just as importantly cancer conquerors come together and share their stories on camera for the very first time.

It’s the greatest gathering of cutting edge research that’s ever been compiled… and it will open your eyes to what’s actually possible in the pursuit of a cure.

I’ve had a sneak peek at it and let me just say, it’s absolutely phenomenal and will likely put the entire concept of how we address and treat cancer… firmly on its ear.

It’s simply the biggest gathering of leading edge cancer research, treatment and survivor stories that’s ever been put live on film, and the results are nothing short of groundbreaking.

And you can see it all for free, right here.

Prepare to be amazed at what you discover in the first episode… once you’ve seen it, you’ll be on the edge of your seat to see the rest of this groundbreaking series.

Listen, statistics show that you or someone you love have an incredibly high risk of getting cancer over your lifetime… and you owe it to yourself to see what’s truly happening on the front lines.

These doctors and researchers aren’t content to let traditional medicine continue to dictate (with horrifying results!) everything we think we understand about cancer and how to eradicate it.

And they’re doing something about it.

Register now for this powerful, 9-part docu-series that absolutely will not be aired on any corporate broadcast network or government-funded media outlet. The nine powerful episodes cover:

Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly

Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils

Episode 3: Cancer-Causing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow

Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light

Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

Episode 6: NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside a German Cancer Clinic

Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy

Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory

Watch the 5-minute trailer now that will touch your heart and open your mind to the truth about cancer.

The Truth About Cancer

1 in 3 will be diagnosed with this… will it be you?

In the next 1 minute (60 seconds) over 15 people will die of something very specific and very close to home.


That’s right, every minute over 15 people die of cancer around the world.

That’s not even the scariest part… one in three people living right now will be diagnosed with cancer.
That means if you look to your right and to your left… one of those three people will get cancer in their lifetime.

Want to find out how YOU can avoid being the one?

Take this FREE short 42 second quiz and find out your real risk factors… (and what you can do about it!)

Don’t leave it up to chance, take less than ONE minute out of your day right now and see where your chances stand.

Just hoping that it won’t happen to you, won’t change the statistics and it won’t decrease your chances of being diagnosed
with cancer.

Taking this short quiz is so quick, simple and effective.

You owe it to yourself to take this 42 second quiz today

Trust me, you’ll be glad you did 🙂

Childrens Health

Join the Children’s Health (R)evolution!

What could be more important than the health and wellbeing of our young people?
ADHD, Autism, mood disorders, autoimmunity are on the rapid rise in our young population. Our children are now affected by obesity, diabetes, depression, addictions to sugar, media, and technology, the list goes on.
What is happening to our kids? And what can we do about it?
We need a children’s and teen health revolution!

The answer is not more meds or quick fixes; it is about building health from the roots, nurturing and caring for our children, mind, body, and spirit, and giving them the tools they need to care for themselves and each other.
By sharing information and lending support to each other, we can most certainly do something about this!
Learn more at The Children’s & Teen Health Summit, online and FREE from September 14 – 20, 2015!

Register for free now:

Carla Atherton created The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for parents, caregivers, and the children and teens they care for. This free, online event will address a diverse buffet of topics during a week of interviews with leading experts in many health fields including:

  • Healing from chronic illness and helping our kids to do this
  • Genetics and methylation
  • Girls, hormones, and the pill
  • Raising cavity-free kids
  • Healthy psychology around eating
  • Our healthcare systems
  • Raising sexually healthy children
  • Time management
  • The importance of breathing and its effects on childhood disease
  • Being a game-changing parent
  • Fertility
  • Childhood obesity
  • Vaccines
  • Gentle parenting
  • Epigenetics
  • Mental health and postpartum depression
  • Neurodevelopmental Movement
  • Testing the sensitive child
  • The detriments of soy
  • Hormonal health
  • Autoimmunity, the Autoimmune Protocol diet and children
  • Home remedies, homeopathy, and cell salts
  • Getting your child through addictions
  • Nutrition and elimination diets
  • And more!

Register for FREE now at the following link:

Here are a few of the incredible presenters and their topics:

  • Sayer Ji: Our Right to Know, Our Right to Chose: A Frank Look at Vaccines
  • Marc David: Promoting a Healthy Psychology Around Eating In Our Children
  • Tom Malterre: Nutrition and Elimination
  • Bruce Lipton: Epigenetics – Empower Your Kids
  • Kelly Brogan: The Functional Model and Mental Health

With 25 expert presentations, the Children’s & Teen Health Summit is a wealth of knowledge you do not want to miss! This invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for parents, children, and teens everywhere!
Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS from the first bi-annual event that took place in March as soon as you register!

  • Pedram Shojai’s talk, “Vitality for Our Children!” which discusses how we can raise vital children in mind, body and spirit.
  • Reed Davis’ talk, “Uncovering the Root Causes of Childhood Disease,” which explores the most common childhood health complaints and what might be causing them.
  • “Join the Integrity Food Movement! For Your Health and the Health of Your Children!” a PDF by Joel Salatin, a passionate call to action and argument for why we absolutely need a revolutionary shift in how we view food.

Come listen to The Children’s & Teen Health Summit for FREE and be inspired from September 14 – 20, 2015!

Register for FREE at the following link today:

Join the (R)evolution!

Abundant Energy Summit

Abundant Energy Can Be Yours!

The 30 powerful, expert sessions at The Abundant Energy Summit will benefit anyone with chronic fatigue syndrome or ME and related illnesses, including Fibromyalgia and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, as well as those with burnout, people who are “tired all the time” or those who want to supercharge their energy.


Niki Gratrix, award-winning, internationally-renowned registered nutritionist and health writer, created The Abundant Energy Summit to present participants with the most comprehensive set of possible solutions covering body, mind and spirit. These are based on cutting edge, state-of-the-art science, research, clinical experience and perennial wisdom from Eastern cultures.

Register for FREE now

During the Abundant Energy Summit, you’ll enjoy a synthesis of experts sharing:

  • State-of-the art research to optimize physical, energetic, psychological and spiritual energy
  • Comprehensive framework for your approach to reversing fatigue
  • Practical steps to personalize your program and improve energy
  • Guidelines and examples to reverse serious forms of chronic fatigue

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak at The Abundant Energy Summit:

  • Ken Wilber, 4 Quadrant Theory and Defining Integral Medicine
  • Jeffrey Bland, PhD, Moving from Conventional to Functional Thinking
  • Rollin McCraty, PhD, Connecting to Heart Energy
  • Tom O’Bryan, DC, Is Gluten Stealing Your Energy?
  • Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, 5 Levels of Healing

With 25+ additional presenters sharing their expertise about energy, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for men and women everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

  • Is Gluten Stealing Your Energy? by Tom O’Bryan, DC
  • The 4 Quadrant Theory and Defining Integral Medicine (Part 1) by Ken Wilber
  • Gluten Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Disease eBook by Tom O’Bryan DC
  • Healing Yourself and Others by Mastering Energy and Information eBook by Harry Massey

The Abundant Energy Summit is online and free from August 24-31, 2015!

Register for FREE

I’ll see you at the summit!

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness Summit…it takes more than a pill!

The Mental Wellness Summit is an educational and empowering experience that explores better ways to approach and treat mental health from a root cause perspective–it’s designed with everyone in mind.


Today’s powerful treatment options, including specialized diet and improved nutrition, integrative medicine, naturopathy and functional medicine, somatic therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, yoga and meditation, to name a few, are available but rarely considered for treating mental health everyday. Let’s go beyond just psychiatry and pills, and explore the best options for wellness in this evolving field.

Register for FREE now

The Mental Wellness Summit will benefit:

  • Health care practitioners and providers across the wellness spectrum
  • Anyone curious about or seeking solutions to mental health challenges
  • Family, friends, loved ones and coworkers who are supporting one another

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak at The Mental Wellness Summit:

  • Kelly Brogan, MD, Holistic Medicine and Root-Cause Resolution
  • Sayer Ji,, Deeper Into Mental Wellness Research
  • Peter Osborne, DC, Grainflammation, Food Toxicity and Microbes
  • Robert Whitaker, PhD, The Perils of Big Pharma
  • James Maskell, Revive Primary Care, Mental Health from Scratch

With 25 additional presenters sharing their expertise about mental wellness, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for men and women everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

  • Free Gift #1: Deeper Into Mental Wellness Research by Sayer Ji
  • Free Gift #2: Holistic Medicine and Root-Cause Resolution by Kelly Brogan
  • Free Gift #3: Microbiome: A New Frontier in Mental Health by David Perlmutter

The Mental Wellness Summit is online and free from August 10-17, 2015!

Register for FREE today

Healthy Heart Summit

Don’t miss The Healthy Heart Summit!

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death for men and women. Yet, it is often addressed with stents and bypass surgeries that only treat the symptoms, not the causes. it’s time to dispel the myths and misinformation about the causes of heart disease, and learn how to give you and your family a long, healthy life together.


Dr. Steven Masley created The Healthy Heart Summit to address the great deal of misinformation that exists on lifestyle and heart disease–far too many myths are still believed. The 30 Healthy Heart Summit expert speakers will give you the most current information about avoiding (and recognizing the signs) of heart disease, and life-changing advice on how to live your life with a healthy heart.

Register for FREE now

The Healthy Heart Summit will:

  • Tune up your heart, energy, waistline, memory and even your romantic life.
  • Find out which healthy techniques are practical, useful and can make a difference.
  • Learn how to prevent 90% of cardiovascular events.
  • Gain access to our internationally-renowned doctors, nutritionists and health experts!

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak at The Healthy Heart Summit:

  • Mark Hyman, MD: Chair of The Institute for Functional Medicine
  • Stephen Sinatra, MD: Cardiologist and the father of metabolic cardiology
  • Sara Gottfried, MD: Harvard-trained physician, expert on hormones and heart health
  • JJ Virgin, CNS, CHFS: NY Times best-selling author, nutritional expert
  • Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC: President, American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine

With 25 additional presenters sharing their expertise about heart health, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for men and women everywhere!

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

  • 30-Day Heart Tune-Up Guide, by Steven Masley, MD. Discover key nutrients, effective medical testing and how to identify your cardiovascular risk in this handy guide.
  • The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up Book (Chapter 1), by Steven Masley, MD. Preview chapter 1 of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up Book and tune-up your heart, energy, waistline and sex life in 30 days flat by changing just a few simple habits!
  • Also, access to the first 2 talks of the summit (as available)!

The Healthy Heart Summit (ONLINE and FREE) takes place from July 13-20, 2015!

Register for FREE

I’ll see you at the summit!


Want to get the whole set of presentations? Get the early bird pricing before the event starts. This sale ends on Sunday night at midnight U.S. eastern, July 12th.


The Secret to Freedom from Food Addiction

Join Me for a Free Webinar on Food Addiction – June 16

Do you think about food all the time? Are you tired of sneaking food from family, friends and co-workers?

If you have followed this blog you know that for years I was that person – but I figured out what really works.

So how did I do it? After many diets, buckets of cash, countless hours of researching nutrition, I figured out what my body needed to thrive.

The secret to my success did NOT include dieting, counting calories or gimmicky fad programs.

Join me on my LIVE “The Secrets to Freedom from Food Addiction” class where I will be revealing the EXACT strategies I used to break my food addiction.

Here is what we’ll cover:

  • How the “healthy” foods you’re eating may really be feeding your addiction
  • The 5 hormones that may be keeping you from losing weight
  • 3 Simple strategies to set yourself up for success
  • Discover how essential oils can curb cravings enhance your health
  • A delicious and easy-to-make dessert that won’t cause cravings – and a free download of my favorite dessert recipes
  • My #1 secret weapon to banish sugar cravings with one simple ingredient (and it’s delicious)

This special class is for you if you want to finally banish your food cravings and lose weight for good, double your energy and feel FREE for the first time in years.