Daily Archives: April 16, 2013

Weight Loss and Stress

This has been a very stressful period for me. There are so many things going on that trying to achieve a weight loss when I am stressed out seems like an impossible task. But I am going to persevere. I’ve adopted some strategies to help me through this rough patch.

First, I don’t eat alone. If I am at work, I make certain that I eat with someone. Eating in front of someone makes me more conscious of how much I’m eating. Plus, I tend to eat more slowly if I am engaged in conversation. Making lunchtime more relaxing, rather than wolfing down my lunch at my desk, eases my digestion. The days I have eaten at my desk I almost always continue to read my email or do something while eating. That’s just not good way to nourish myself or take a breather from the workday.

When things get really tough, I used to head for the snacks. Now, I take a walk; even if I just go outside and walk between buildings, it helps me release some steam. One thing that has really helped is eating the right food – I don’t get hungry between meals. I recognize now when I give into emotional eating. I feel fine for a bit and then, if I’ve had something sugary, I can feel the crash a lot more easily than before.

I continue to eat my CustomFit Meals. I can choose to eat something else if I want but the meals satisfy my hunger and keep me full longer. It helps me feel that I have enough fuel to do my exercises too. Now, it’s time to step up the workout routines. Even though it’s been weeks that I have been on level 1, I hesitated to raise the intensity until I didn’t feel worn out completely after a session. The time has come to move to level 2.

Time to check out Jillian’s programs and move up.