Monthly Archives: March 2013

Weight Loss at a Standstill

I knew this would be hard but it continues to amaze me just how hard it is to lose weight. As I continue to read various weight loss articles, I keep going through the mental checklist:

  1. Get enough sleep – check
  2. Eat breakfast – check
  3. Eat small meals throughout the day – check
  4. Eat slowly – check
  5. Chew gum to avoid eating mindlessly – check
  6. Drink more water – check
  7. Exercise – check

So where’s the weight loss?

I am stuck and can’t seem to budge. I need to find the kick start. I weigh myself to make sure I’m not gaining weight. I watch every morsel I put in my mouth. I keep walking on the treadmill. It’s frustrating.

I can’t eat any less. My body will start hoarding food to protect itself if I drop my calories too low. The only other thing I can do is exercise harder. Time to ramp up on the treadmill and weights. I guess I’m not pushing myself hard enough. Even though I feel like I have just run a marathon when I get off the treadmill (even though it’s just 30 minutes), I have to do more.

Getting older sucks. I never had this problem when I was younger. I could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight. Then each year it seemed I gained a little more weight and I didn’t do anything about it until now. But that’s the past. I’ve got to keep motivated or I will always be this way. And the thought of that makes me very unhappy.

Tomorrow, I will try to do the floor exercises and the weights. I still am not ready for daily rounds on the treadmill. But I am going to conquer this weight loss standoff. I will make this weight loss happen.

Okay, now I need to mentally gear up for this change in routine.


Exercise Can Grow on You

I am proud to say that I came home today and worked out right away on the treadmill. Yay for me! I do have to say that I the mini Snickers I had today had an influence on that decision. Okay, two mini Snickers… and a mini Milky Way bar. I hate to admit it but I had a craving that I felt I had to satisfy. Better to eat a little chocolate than wait until I couldn’t resist it anymore and eat too much chocolate.

But a good thing that did happen was after I worked out on the treadmill, I still had enough energy to do some floor exercises. I guess that I am starting to get a little of that extra energy. I can’t say that I feel fantastic but it doesn’t wipe me out when I exercise. I’m not out of breath in the first five minutes. I do get winded after a while but I am still working up to extend my workout. I’m really still at a beginner level. But it is better than when I started.

I can’t remember how long ago it was when I exercised regularly. It really has been years. Not just a few years but many years. When I had children at home, my regular day-to-day activities kept me active enough without formal exercise. Then working full-time, I fell into a pattern of plopping down on the couch after work, too exhausted to do anything. That has changed. And I feel better for it.

I’m not sure how long it will take until I start to see real progress but I’m sticking to it. I know that at my age it will take longer. My metabolism has changed. Hormones that once kept things chugging along smoothly are slowly being depleted. I’m going to fight it every step of the way.

Let the fighting begin.



Weight Gain Doesn’t Take a Day Off

This weekend was lovely. The weather was nice. Going out shopping, even for groceries was a pleasant event since there was a break from cold weather. Of course, the store had those little carts set up with free samples. What can a few of those do? Then I went to a bridal shower. It was such fun, seeing old friends and former coworkers. Those little pastries are so small, they can’t have many calories.

Well, after the weekend, the scale gave me wake up call. My weight had increased; I was up a pound and a half. Crap. That negates the pound I lost and pushes me further into weight hell. Lesson learned, calories will add up even when you’re having fun playing party games.

This is where I usually get frustrated and give up or at least sabotage myself by overindulging. But I know that is a stupid thing to do. I decided to do some floor exercises. I feel that I am stronger when I’m not standing up (safer too – I can’t fall down). I worked out my legs and butt. I can feel my glutes. At least feeling them ache makes me know that I am working them. Why does feeling the achiness make me feel like I’ve accomplished something?

Why can’t it all be so much simpler? Eating things that taste good should be good for you. Why can’t chocolate be at the top of the food pyramid?  This whole weight loss thing is a mystery at best. If I eat less food, how I am I going to have the energy to work out? If I work out harder, I’m going to want more food. Then I have to eat the stuff that doesn’t taste as good as the chocolate!

Skip the pastries and food cart samples. I continue to look for the good food.

New Workout, Old Joints

After the first workout with the dumbbells, I found that the joint pain may not start right away. The next day my joints ached like nothing I haven’t felt. There is something to doing these in the correct form. I was trying to read the exercise so I knew what I was doing. Instead I should have read first, then do the exercise. I didn’t realize that the point of the elbow could have pain, but apparently it can.

I needed to have a day off to give my muscles and joints a break. It seems that the achiness doesn’t set in for 48 hours. After applying heat, then ice – repeat as necessary – I found some relief. Today, not feeling the pain that I did yesterday.

Tomorrow, since it’s the weekend, the goal is to do the exercise early and get the benefit throughout the day. It always sounds like a good plan. I’m not an early morning person but if I don’t make it first thing in the morning, I will exercise tomorrow. That’s the goal – keep up the exercise, no matter what.

There are plenty of times when I still think that I don’t need to do this or I don’t want to do this but I that’s why I am writing this blog. I keep reminding myself that I must do this. It’s not an option. Growing older is not optional so if I want to be a healthy old person (not ready to call myself old yet), I need to get myself healthier.

Having events that I plan on attending is another motivator. There is a college reunion that I am going to which is not too far in the future. No one would recognize me in the current state my body is in. So I need to remind  myself that if I want to feel that I look good this is an essential part of the plan.

Keep working towards that goal!

First Day of Weights Workout

There are muscles that I just didn’t know would hurt that hurt. I started the first day of dumbbell workouts. Starting with my shoulders and then moved down my body. It took me a lot longer than I thought it would. I feel that I be able to get faster with the exercises once I commit them to memory.

My shoulders were already a bit weary but I managed to get through it. What I didn’t expect was the feeling of muscle strain in my stomach. I don’t think I have used those muscles in years (I guess I’ve only used them to eat). I can feel the muscles that were stretched across my rib area. I only hope that it gets easier with time.

My plan is now to alternate workouts. One day on the treadmill, one day of weights. I’ve got to kick start this weight loss. I feel that I haven’t lost any weight but I’m hoping that I’m building muscle underneath the soft stuff. I have to hang onto that until I see the numbers move on the scale.

I still have to figure out what the best food is to eat. I am getting conflicting information. I’ve been eating a gluten-free diet for a while now. I don’t have Celiac disease but I do have a wheat allergy. So I’m not putting too much weight in the sources that say that whole grains are part of a healthy diet. Processed grains are terrible. Whole grains make me feel like there is a brick in my stomach. Since I have been eating a gluten-free diet I have felt better. But there are many prepared gluten-free foods that are higher in calories. And it’s all about calories in, calories out.

It’s time that I step up the treadmill workout too. I’m going to check out a new Jillian Michaels workout on the iFit program. I’m not ready for running, I know that but I need to push myself past my comfort zone.

Can I push myself harder???

Pep Up the Workout

I have decided that I need to pep up my workout. What I need is something that will help balance the cardio of the treadmill and give me more strength. So I’m borrowing my husband’s dumbbells. I’ve done my research and hope to be able to get my arms in shape along with all of the other untoned body parts. But I’m going to pace myself. No overdoing it (already had a taste of what too much, too fast can do (like when I cleaned  the yard). Only two to five pounds to start with should be enough.

I’ve checked out Jillian’s exercises and found there is much I can do with a set of dumbbells. I’ll switch it up, like suggested, so I work out different body parts and not wear out one set of muscles. That’s the new in the exercise department.

For the snacking, I have a bad habit that I am still craving something sweet after dinner. On occassion, I give in so I don’t binge on whatever I find. One treat – like one piece of chocolate – then off I go. Well, better said than done. So I’ve taken to chewing gum after dinner. It actually seems to help. It’s sugar-free and had a sweetness to it. Plus the sensation of a “clean mouth”  makes it less likely that I will snack.

So far so good. Every day is a learning experience. I continue to read articles, other blogs, and recipes. There’s so much information about exercise and dieting that it can be overwhelming. I am going to consult some professionals, hopefully a nutritionist, to help me wade through the conflicting information.

Until then, pep up the workout…

It’s Not All Downhill

Weight-wise, that is. This week’s weigh in did not show any downward progress. (Somehow that seemed easier to say than I didn’t lose any weight.) I know that there are going to be weeks where I don’t lose weight but I thought that early on I would lose steadily. Now I have to think about ways to kick start this weight loss.

I need to start searching for food options to help me stay on track. There are so many options out there but I’m not sure which one would work for me. I’ve seen the commercials for NutriSystem and the famous people who lose a ton of weight and look the way they did when they were teenagers. Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to look like a teenager ever again.

Besides, I’ve tried all of the stuff before and eventually got tired of it. I want real food. I want real portions of food and not miniscule portions that don’t fill me up. That’s when I start looking for snacks. And that’s where it’s all downhill. I don’t want to go back there.

For me, the food is the key to my weight loss. If I don’t eat right, the weight just packs back on. I’ve lost weight, gained it back, and then gained more. Over and over again. I’m tired of the the yo-yo weight loss. It’s time to lose weight – for the last time. And keep it off. So the search is on for the right type of food that will get me what I want (tasty and filling) and I what I need (nutrition that will fuel my weight loss).

Looking for food in all the wrong places – no more…

Working Outside

After a couple of weeks of exercising I felt up to working outside. I felt good and the weather was great – sunny, high 50’s – nice for mid-March. I started to clean up the front yard. Since we live on a corner lot, our yard gets plenty of trash blown into it. I was determined to clean up the winter’s worth of debris in one fell swoop. Oh my aching shoulders. I need to remember moderation in everything.

Walking on a treadmill is not working out the other parts of my body. It’s time to look at other avenues for workouts. You just don’t know how weak you are until you try to use muscles that you haven’t used for a long time. My shoulders were burning by the time I finished. Instead of spreading out the clean up, even over the two days of the weekend, I had to do it all at one. Well, it’s done and so are my shoulders.

I don’t believe in the “no pain, no gain” type of exercise. Once I hit pain, I used to just stop. I need to listen more closely to my body. I’ve put heat on my shoulders. Now I’ll do ice. I can feel the ache as I type. Okay, lesson learned. Don’t try to do the whole thing at once if your body is overtaxed and screaming at you to stop.

At least I have one more day left of the weekend. Hopefully, the aching will relax and I can find other exercises to build up my shoulders. Time to look up an exercise to work out my shoulders the right way, in a day or two.

I hope to end the weekend on a positive note.

Can’t Lose Weight at Happy Hour

Now I am not opposed to going to happy hour nor am I opposed to having fun. But when you’re trying to lose weight happy hour is a pit of calories. Twice this week I was invited to go out to happy hour with friends. I, of course, turned the invitations down. I enjoy a good time out with friends but I’m not deeply entrenched into this new weight loss habit to trust myself.

Once I get a handle on my ability to say no to the things that I should not have, then I won’t need to beg off. I know there are plenty of people who can manage their outings and eat the right food and drink the low-cal drinks. But I need some more time to make this commitment to lose weight to take hold. If I blow it now on pub food or some high calorie drink, it will be another excuse and I’m not ready to start back on the road that put the weight on me in the first place.

If I have another weight loss when I weigh in, I may feel a little tempted to treat myself. But that is where I have the biggest opportunity to kick start my weight loss into a habit. If I feel that I am heading in the right direction, then I can keep the momentum going. It’s when I break that routine and give myself an out that I go off the deep end. So I will stick to my promise to myself. Keep up the exercise. Keep eating right. And most of all, keep the right attitude.

Life is about choices. This one is mine. I will lose this weight. I am not going to set a time limit or specific weight. I am going to work on creating a new me that I enjoy seeing in the mirror. I’m realistic. I know I’m not a young thing anymore but I can look better. And that will help me feel better. It’s my choice. I choose to stay true to my promise to myself.

The weekend is here and so is Daylight Savings Time. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour tomorrow night. Spring forward!

After the Snow Event

So I was all prepared to have tons of snow keep up in the house for days. The electric company warned about extended power outages. I had all the necessary supplies. My husband was prepared for clearing the snow away from the sidewalk and driveway. And then the “snow event” was a “no event”. It did snow but it was gone in a matter of hours. Today, no one would know it had snowed yesterday.

What does that have to do with my weight loss? I figured that I should wait and save my energy should I need to help with the clearing of the mounds of snow. Well, you see how that turned out. But what happened is that I broke my routine. And it was so much easier to try to convince myself today that I didn’t need to get on the treadmill. I was already settled in from work. I could just relax. And then I realized – the beginning of the excuses. I got up and changed into my workout clothes immediately.

While I was in mid-workout, my husband walks in the room and asks “Having fun?” Really? Is it not evident that I do not like this one bit? I would much rather be doing anything else. How do people like this kind of exercise? But I know that I have to get in shape and this is the method I chose, so on with it.

I’m still eating well and not snacking during the day. So I am surfing the web to find other outlets to distract me. This evening I found that there are downloads of music, games, and a book that are totally free until March 15th. I will use these to pass the time if I start thinking about snacking.

Snow or no snow, I have to stick to my routine and work on building that habit so it becomes second nature. I need to come home, change into workout clothes, and get on that treadmill. It’s a promise I have to make to myself.

Developing new habits is hard work.