Daily Archives: March 4, 2013

Second Weigh In Results

How did it go? Check for yourself:

second weigh in
Results of the second weigh in

I did alright – lost one pound! It’s a movement in the right direction. I am so glad that I didn’t gain anything. I tried not to think about it too much beforehand but I was worried that I might not see any progress. This was encouraging. Now if I can do that 30 more times, I’d be good to go!

I realize that I didn’t tell you why my BMI was overwhelming. If I were six foot tall, it wouldn’t be an issue. I’d be in the normal range. Since I’m 5’3″ – not so much. I’m way past the growing stage so getting taller isn’t an option. Losing weight is the only solution to bring down that BMI.

I read the Jillian Michaels newletter everyday. This week she says BMI is not the only method to use to calculate desirable weight. Here is an excerpt:

Today, the medical industry has set its weight guidelines according to the waist-to-hip-ratio method, which is a much more accurate way of arriving at an ideal goal weight. Follow these steps to find yours:

  • Get a tape measure and measure your waist right at the belly-button line.
  • Standing with feet hip-width apart, measure your hips at their widest point.
  • Now simply divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. This is your waist-to-hip ratio.

The ideal waist-to-hip ratios are 0.80 for women and 0.95 for men.

Now I have to go check my waist-to-hip ratio. Who knows – maybe that number will make me feel less “obese” – what an ugly word. I will keep searching for the best information so that I can arm myself with facts that will work for me. But this hip measurement has me worried. Why do men get an additional leeway of .15. If anything, women should get that leeway because we generally are curvier. Having a rounded rear asset is supposed to be a good thing.

Next – waist-to-hip ratio (something else to add to the list of things that don’t make me smile)