Daily Archives: March 26, 2013

Weight Loss at a Standstill

I knew this would be hard but it continues to amaze me just how hard it is to lose weight. As I continue to read various weight loss articles, I keep going through the mental checklist:

  1. Get enough sleep – check
  2. Eat breakfast – check
  3. Eat small meals throughout the day – check
  4. Eat slowly – check
  5. Chew gum to avoid eating mindlessly – check
  6. Drink more water – check
  7. Exercise – check

So where’s the weight loss?

I am stuck and can’t seem to budge. I need to find the kick start. I weigh myself to make sure I’m not gaining weight. I watch every morsel I put in my mouth. I keep walking on the treadmill. It’s frustrating.

I can’t eat any less. My body will start hoarding food to protect itself if I drop my calories too low. The only other thing I can do is exercise harder. Time to ramp up on the treadmill and weights. I guess I’m not pushing myself hard enough. Even though I feel like I have just run a marathon when I get off the treadmill (even though it’s just 30 minutes), I have to do more.

Getting older sucks. I never had this problem when I was younger. I could eat anything I wanted and not gain weight. Then each year it seemed I gained a little more weight and I didn’t do anything about it until now. But that’s the past. I’ve got to keep motivated or I will always be this way. And the thought of that makes me very unhappy.

Tomorrow, I will try to do the floor exercises and the weights. I still am not ready for daily rounds on the treadmill. But I am going to conquer this weight loss standoff. I will make this weight loss happen.

Okay, now I need to mentally gear up for this change in routine.