Daily Archives: March 5, 2013

The First Week in Review

After only one week, I actually managed to climb the two flights of stairs that lead to my office at work without panting like an overheated dog. I’m certainly not is great physical shape (yet) but it’s a noticeable improvement. I still have not found a walking partner at work, so (I’m sure you’ve guessed) I have not started to walk at lunch. I still plan on doing it but (another excuse) the weather may get in the way.

There is a major storm heading our way and there may be many inches of snow by  morning. It’s March – only 16 days until Spring! Mother Nature must be out of synch. Winter is coming later and later. Now the forecasts say between 5-10 inches. That may not be much for some areas already hit by major snowstorms this year. But for the past two years we have not had any snow. If we do get the snow that is called for, I can still workout on the treadmill. No excuses that I can’t get to the gym or it’s too cold outside.

I was an excuse maker for many years. I didn’t like it when it was cold outside. I didn’t want to walk in the cold or rain or snow or anything else that made me uncomfortable. I didn’t want to walk in the mall because there were too many people. I didn’t want to work out in the gym because I felt self-conscious with the beautiful people working out. No excuses. I can workout alone with all of the pleasures that come with an Internet connection and routines already planned for me. No thought necessary.

Once I have this every other day treadmill routine worked into a habit, I will need to change up things. I don’t want it to become monotonous. I will add or vary my routine to keep me interested. That’s the only way that I can continue. If I get bored or find that I’m not invested in the workout, it becomes all too easy to stop. There’s not stopping allowed. I have to keep myself from thinking that is an option. More than anything else I need to stay motivated. I cannot fail this time.

By the way, I did figure out my waist-to-hip ratio. The way to measure is in yesterday’s post. For women, the ideal ratio is .80. Mine is .86. My measurement was not as disheartening as my BMI until I read on Wikipedia that above .85 is considered obese. Really – I can’t get a break. That word keeps following me around. How does that simple .01 push me over that edge?

So much more to do…