Daily Archives: March 20, 2013

Exercise Can Grow on You

I am proud to say that I came home today and worked out right away on the treadmill. Yay for me! I do have to say that I the mini Snickers I had today had an influence on that decision. Okay, two mini Snickers… and a mini Milky Way bar. I hate to admit it but I had a craving that I felt I had to satisfy. Better to eat a little chocolate than wait until I couldn’t resist it anymore and eat too much chocolate.

But a good thing that did happen was after I worked out on the treadmill, I still had enough energy to do some floor exercises. I guess that I am starting to get a little of that extra energy. I can’t say that I feel fantastic but it doesn’t wipe me out when I exercise. I’m not out of breath in the first five minutes. I do get winded after a while but I am still working up to extend my workout. I’m really still at a beginner level. But it is better than when I started.

I can’t remember how long ago it was when I exercised regularly. It really has been years. Not just a few years but many years. When I had children at home, my regular day-to-day activities kept me active enough without formal exercise. Then working full-time, I fell into a pattern of plopping down on the couch after work, too exhausted to do anything. That has changed. And I feel better for it.

I’m not sure how long it will take until I start to see real progress but I’m sticking to it. I know that at my age it will take longer. My metabolism has changed. Hormones that once kept things chugging along smoothly are slowly being depleted. I’m going to fight it every step of the way.

Let the fighting begin.