Tag Archives: lose weight

Lose weight feel great: Amplify your energy and feel radiant again!

Do you want to improve your health, lose weight, and FEEL GREAT?

This upcoming video series, hosted by Nutritionist & Master Herbalist, Joanna Peterson from August 12 – September 1. It will bring awareness to the quality of our food supply, how food is affecting us, and what we can do to create positive changes in out lives.

I have partnered with Joanna and her outstanding team to help spread this INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE, along with 20+ other experts who all strive to support your health.

We want to give you the support to transform your life and feel healthy and radiant again!

The Lose Weight Feel Great Summit will give you the tools and information you need to make SIMPLE changes in your life that will bring BIG results!

  • Online for FREE from August 12 – September 1
  • Access it from ANY computer or mobile device
  • Watch it ANYWHERE — in your home, at a friend’s, during your lunch break…

SIMPLY TUNE IN! I am sure this summit will provide you with the answers you have been looking for to help you transform your life from the inside out.

Register for FREE now at the following link: http://bit.ly/loseweight-feelgreat

Enjoy the FREE GIFT from every speaker!

Here are a few of the speakers:

  • Erin Elizabeth from Health Nut News
  • Dr. Doug Graham from FoodnSport
  • Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of Gut and Psychology Syndrome
  • Brad Yates, Emotional Freedom Technique expert
  • Rosemary Gladstar, the “Godmother of American Herbalism”

Sign up for Lose Weight Feel Great ONLINE and be inspired from August 12 – September 1!

Register for FREE at the following link today: http://bit.ly/loseweight-feelgreat

Don’t miss my interview on August 16th. See you at the event!

Fat Summit

Add these health experts to your medicine cabinet

Dr. Mark Hyman’s Fat Summit 2 starts on November 7th, and tens of thousands will listen to experts as they dispel the biggest MYTHS about eating fat, and reveal the latest research about how to eat, move and supplement your diet for improved health…and possibly even prevent/reverse chronic diseases!


Drs. Mark Hyman, Carrie Diulus and over 30 of the world’s top experts created The Fat Summit 2 to dispel the biggest MYTHS about fat, and reveal the latest research about how to eat, move and supplement your diet for improved health and longevity!

Dr. Hyman’s first Fat Summit was a major hit–The Fat Summit 2 has 30+ brand NEW interviews during which you’ll discover even more about…

  • Biohacking your biology and weight loss with healthy fats
  • Truths about saturated fat, cholesterol, butter, sugar, carbs and more
  • Review and discussion of the latest articles on fat and weight loss
  • Digestion of fats through supplementation
  • Effects of dietary fat on fertility
  • Importance of community for making/sustaining healthy lifestyle choices
  • How eating more fat complements/combats other dietary approaches
  • Best practices for maintaining your weight and healthy eating habits
  1. Register immediately to make sure you’ll see the free talks.
  1. Purchase all of the expert talks (price GOES UP when the event STARTS on MONDAY).

Once you own the expert talks, you can listen to the audios on your computer or mobile device, read the complete transcripts and share this important information with family and friends.

If you learn even one fact from one expert that changes your life, it will be worth it!

The online access package for all of the expert talks is $59 now through Monday morning at 10 A.M. U.S. eastern.

After that, it increases to $79.

Owning the talks also gives you access to eCourses, guides, eBooks and other advice from the expert speakers, at no additional charge!

Click here to learn more about owning this expert advice

Vacation’s Over – Back At It

I took a well-deserved vacation. I did what I wanted, ate what I wanted, and had a wonderful time. I did gain 3.5 lbs. but I feel better than before I left. For me, it was worth it.

Being away from the stress of everyday life gave me time to reflect on what I was doing wrong that blocked my weight loss. It’s not like I have all the answers but it is easier to think through things when you are not in your own way. Getting out of the routine of working all day, coming home to exercise, and eating specific foods helped me process on what I’m doing wrong. I wasn’t happy.

Happiness is a key ingredient to being successful in life. I know that rationally but haven’t been able to translate that in my daily life. I have felt let down for a long time and it’s time for me to take my life in a different direction. There is so much to check that I need to break it down into manageable pieces so I don’t overwhelm myself.

I can only change things under my control. So I need to start with me – everything else will fall into place (that’s what I hope). I can’t change things that I don’t the ability to change so I have to learn to let it go. Even when I know I may have the right idea or a better plan, if I’m not the one who can make the change, it’s not going to happen. Tough lesson for me to learn. It seems so simple in words but it’s so difficult (for me) in action. I always have a “plan”. But not everyone wants to buy into my plans.

Starting today, my first goal is not to waste time doing things that are not productive. Even if I am not in charge, I can decide to do what is most productive for me. It’s not productive to wallow in the “misery” of being overweight. I can be overweight and be healthy. I just need to make it happen. If I lose weight while I’m getting healthy, good for me. If not, I will be a better person in the long run. That’s hard for me to accept because of the body image I have of myself but it’s the first step.

First things first, then small steps to a better me.

If you want to try CustomFit Meals, use discount code "angelaatkins" for 10% off your first order.

It’s Not All Downhill

Weight-wise, that is. This week’s weigh in did not show any downward progress. (Somehow that seemed easier to say than I didn’t lose any weight.) I know that there are going to be weeks where I don’t lose weight but I thought that early on I would lose steadily. Now I have to think about ways to kick start this weight loss.

I need to start searching for food options to help me stay on track. There are so many options out there but I’m not sure which one would work for me. I’ve seen the commercials for NutriSystem and the famous people who lose a ton of weight and look the way they did when they were teenagers. Somehow, I don’t think I’m going to look like a teenager ever again.

Besides, I’ve tried all of the stuff before and eventually got tired of it. I want real food. I want real portions of food and not miniscule portions that don’t fill me up. That’s when I start looking for snacks. And that’s where it’s all downhill. I don’t want to go back there.

For me, the food is the key to my weight loss. If I don’t eat right, the weight just packs back on. I’ve lost weight, gained it back, and then gained more. Over and over again. I’m tired of the the yo-yo weight loss. It’s time to lose weight – for the last time. And keep it off. So the search is on for the right type of food that will get me what I want (tasty and filling) and I what I need (nutrition that will fuel my weight loss).

Looking for food in all the wrong places – no more…

Can’t Lose Weight at Happy Hour

Now I am not opposed to going to happy hour nor am I opposed to having fun. But when you’re trying to lose weight happy hour is a pit of calories. Twice this week I was invited to go out to happy hour with friends. I, of course, turned the invitations down. I enjoy a good time out with friends but I’m not deeply entrenched into this new weight loss habit to trust myself.

Once I get a handle on my ability to say no to the things that I should not have, then I won’t need to beg off. I know there are plenty of people who can manage their outings and eat the right food and drink the low-cal drinks. But I need some more time to make this commitment to lose weight to take hold. If I blow it now on pub food or some high calorie drink, it will be another excuse and I’m not ready to start back on the road that put the weight on me in the first place.

If I have another weight loss when I weigh in, I may feel a little tempted to treat myself. But that is where I have the biggest opportunity to kick start my weight loss into a habit. If I feel that I am heading in the right direction, then I can keep the momentum going. It’s when I break that routine and give myself an out that I go off the deep end. So I will stick to my promise to myself. Keep up the exercise. Keep eating right. And most of all, keep the right attitude.

Life is about choices. This one is mine. I will lose this weight. I am not going to set a time limit or specific weight. I am going to work on creating a new me that I enjoy seeing in the mirror. I’m realistic. I know I’m not a young thing anymore but I can look better. And that will help me feel better. It’s my choice. I choose to stay true to my promise to myself.

The weekend is here and so is Daylight Savings Time. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour tomorrow night. Spring forward!

Weigh In

I said I was going to do it and I did. I weighed myself this morning and to my surprise, I didn’t pass out. But I wasn’t happy.

First time on the scale
First time on the scale

I had mixed feelings seeing that number. First, it wasn’t as high as it had been in the past. Before I was treated for a thyroid condition (and I definitely will get into that in a later post), my weight had ballooned up to 195 lbs! I felt like I was bursting out of my own skin. But after many years and multiple doctors, I am being successfully treated with thyroid medication. So the number is reflective of the progress that the medicine has made helping get my body to start working again. If you suspect a thyroid condition, run, don’t walk, to an endocrinologist. I’ve gone to GPs, internists, and other specialty doctors only to find out this is the very one I needed all along.

Okay, back to the weight. It wasn’t bad enough that I was feeling overweight, looking overweight, and now seeing the actual number confirming I was overweight but I had to go and check out my BMI (Body Mass Index*). I’ve tried Jillian Michaels program in the past and was shocked at the results of my BMI score. Not only did I fret over the number but the text was a slap in the face – not only am I “above” the healthy range but I’m in the obese category. WHAT? When did that happen?

Now I have to face up to it. What do I do next? It’s time to modify the eating and exercise. Modify the exercise – did I really just type that??? I have to START the exercise. I’m not what you’d call motivated to exercise in general. But no matter what anyone says or does, it comes down to calories in, calories out. I no longer have an excuse not to exercise. I will say that I am not going to push myself past my comfort level. I know that if I make it too hard for myself I will just quit. Jillian may be a hard body but she’s not me, a mature woman with years of excuses why not to exercise.

And the biggest reason why I can’t use excuses any more, like “I hate going to the gym” or “I get bored exercising by myself” because my dear, sweet husband bought me a state of the art treadmill for Christmas. God bless him. Really. It’s a mixed blessing. I know he bought it to help me but now I have to use that thing. I’m sure I will have much to say once I finally get on that thing. It has so many bells and whistles that I am sure I will fall down just from the learning curve.

Tomorrow – first day on the treadmill <sigh>

*What does BMI mean?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is an established measure utilized by physicians and health experts to determine weight status (i.e. underweight, overweight or within a healthy weight range).