Daily Archives: June 4, 2013

Stress and Weight Loss

We all have stress. I feel stressed every day. But now I fear stress is the root of my inability to lose weight. There have been many things that have triggered the stress that I feel and I still have a lot of work to do to sort things out. But the only thing that keeps me from gaining weight is exercise.

The CustomFit Meals help keep my cravings from taking over my life. Eating well can help cut down on the overindulgence. My husband is still losing weight and getting fit. All I can do is be supportive and hope that I can adjust my mental outlook to start my weight loss.

Stress can overwhelm everyday life, if we let it. I have let it overwhelm me for over a year now. Too many things have happened that are stressors to me and I have gotten to the point that I can’t manage them. I’ve let the work stress run over into the home  stress run into the family life stress until I feel overrun by a stress monster.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress and unfortunately, my way is to have a good cry. If I could focus that energy into exercise or something more positive I could make some headway. I’ve decided that I just don’t have the skill set to manage this stress so I am seeing a counselor. I know my limits and I have reached it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. For me, it’s a sign of clear thinking that I am looking for help in a situation that I cannot resolve myself.

I am making reducing stress my number one priority. After I feel I can manage stress realistically, if I can’t lose weight then the last resort is seeing a weight loss specialist.

Weight loss specialist – now that means research…